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Everything posted by Bentz

  1. Bentz

    Roast Me

    None of us in Nexus bitched moron, and what does Insomnia getting dq'ed have to do with you guys getting steam rolled in the first round?
  2. wow dude you really showed those guys, how are you so good?
  3. I'm down babe, just lemme know when there's fights
  4. nice montage but the song is cancer mate
  5. Why even put the clip at 1:32 in? Just shows both of you potatoing lol.
  6. Go into the editor with a rook against both and prove me wrong then retard.
  7. Would of been the same result with regular CSATs that anyone can buy. Btw git good you shitter @Das Otter
  8. Yeah because I have a pair of nuts you retard, did you not get the point?
  9. You're right, you were irrelevant awhile ago, and you're irrelevant now, doesn't matter.
  10. Shut up you little squeaker, you should wait until your balls drop before you come on here and chat shit.
  11. Holy shit I knew @Vortex was awful but this is just a new level of potato.
  12. Why click on the thread and watch it when it says Montage if you're just gonna bitch like a salty cunt?
  13. A side effect from having a micro penis.
  14. Song is the only decent thing about it, rest are less than average kills like potatoing a hummingbird that is practically hovering right above you.
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