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Rare footage from RON

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@ron the player *Bear Grylls*: As you see here, you can find a rare sight and occurrence of the species known as "Pussyious-hidous-in-da-houses", this species is known to frequent his home in Kavala and hide. He is only seen to exit his house unless someone is restrained near his house, he later takes them inside his home and attempts to consume them for nutrients... What this beast doesn't know is attempting to kill his prey with a p07 does not work, this phase is known as "Stupidious-Ron-is" it wont be until minutes later he realizes rubber bullets don't kill. After a few more minutes of failed attempts the prey will normally escape and shoot their predator... He was spotted on camera trying to steal small and pointless things in Kavala as our camera crew caught him taking the bait.

This species is dying out... Please make a generous donation of a 7.62 round and help this poor beast end his suffering, for only 2x payments of 7.62 magazines a month we will send you a picture of a dead Ron... 

Image result for Animal hiding gif



Edited by TheUnknown4111
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