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Everything posted by W00bzy

  1. its because you didnt have enough CS my dude. (idk wtf i said but i heard people say cs is like minion kills or something)
  2. No. I have no fucking clue what that picture says.
  3. https://gyazo.com/588cd13cce3181e82e0ee48ba4c4a797 don't want to hear your fat ass breathing or your keyboard.
  4. At this point, its 70% of my recommended videos on youtube. I'm a curious manboy.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPHYRzh9b6E&feature=youtu.be&t=26m7s
  6. Didn't watch it and I probably won't. I guess i'll tell you nice shots and be done with it.
  7. Declined due to not having requirements.
  8. Yeah? Well my boy @Scott got his pc from the christian giving section of goodwill, it was about $1.49 and 5 hail marys.
  9. Hey, remember when you did that one thing and lost LT without anyone giving you a reason? yeah fuck you faggot.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snCNw2B9pwo @Diseasedx ayo bro. here you go.
  11. I mean, it's nice and all. but did it need to be a 3 and a half minute video? xD I went through trying to find a part where you explain it or something.
  12. bo eh. bo eh. bo eh. bo eh.
  13. Accepted, sending you teamspeak info.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwnLdjhQ0b0
  15. Andrew, I love you. Shut up Jim you fat nug.
  16. They removed Ghillie. If you have the ghillie unlocked then you have the fatigues unlocked.
  17. "Alshiq, the guy who said that is in my gang and I've known him for 2 years" So no, it wasn't the kid following you who said that. Second of all, I'm blacklisted and been banned multiples times. Trust me "Tacobell", i'm not going for any sort of promotion.
  18. First of all, that was an FSA member who said that. Second of all, please direct yourself to the correct reporting thread and format.
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