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APD Sergeant
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Everything posted by Olivia

  1. I'm 100% down for removing them as a scroll wheel option but keeping it as a hotkey (what that hotkey would be I'm not sure.) I have way too many scroll wheel options as it is...
  2. The right control scheme really helped me get better at shooting faster. Much faster. In all other shooters I'm a "Spacebar = shoot, Left Click = jump" kinda gal but couldn't quite get that to work for me in Arma, though I may try sometime soon again. These are the custom controls I have that I would recommend: 2 out of 6 of my side mouse buttons = View zoom in/out (default bound to Numpad +/-, not scope in/out.) 1 mouse side button = raise/lower weapon (default bound to double tap CTRL) Spacebar = Toggle crouch (default bound to X.) Easier to smash spacebar twice when quick peaking than trying to hit X.
  3. Okay I see what you mean you want to be able to call cops even when nobody is in the dispatch chair (the guy who sits at Kavala fielding the calls) not just text 911. I could see this being difficult and buggy to implement on the development side so I can't promise it will be a feature but there is a workaround. When you need to call a cop, open the map and click on the player list. Here you can see which players are on cop because they'll have a blue box next to their name (if you don't already know the name of a cop online you could call.) Then just call that cop directly. If you play around one precinct a lot you'll probably get to know the higher ups, Corporals, Sergeants etc. so you'll get to know who's good to call. Or you could text 911 saying "Please call me cops" but depending on how busy we are I can't promise that'll happen : P
  4. Gotta say I love that the first paragraph of this guide literally says "...people that think this affect the game performance are just stupid and should go back to CoD or damn altis life."
  5. Great poem, made me chuckle. How I view these fights: http://i.imgur.com/0mUbx0K.gifv
  6. You can apply for the APD at 17 but you will be on a tighter leash (you receive doubled internal affairs points.) I too used to be a strong believer that younger people should be able to apply and I used to say "Look, this ~16 year old is doing great!" ... but they all let me down (save for the last, rare few that are left.) The hassle of having to deal with 99 bad underage cops is not worth the 1 good underage cop we get out of it, sorry. : (
  7. Wow kapten's ReALskiLLzTM CS:GO tips got me from Potato to MLG in just 15 mins! (Hour #3 fam) GUYS I DID BETTER THAN PATRICK http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269466470935645814/7FC773343B55FAE8221A91ED8CDCD7B1A1ABC3B1/
  8. > mfw they think I'll take a pleb game like CSGO seriously
  9. Fair point, but at least an Ifrit is actually combat effective unlike the hellcat or huron.
  10. I agree with #2 and #3 but do consider, dear devs, would people ever pull out hellcats and hurons if the price were drastically higher than it is? At what price would nobody pull out these inferior birds ever? Do consider.it.
  11. Any new karaoke song is going to sound good at this point haha
  12. My biggest problem was frame rate tbh and I don't think I'm alone on that. I know civs had valid complaints about the bad locations of gathering/processing areas but bamf said he's revisited it. So to be quite frank I think S6 needs some TLC with respect to frame rate, memory leaks and bugs and not so much attention to more mods/guns/cars/features etc.
  13. I LOVE this idea! Hell, I could see myself donating around $3-5 (USD) to post a billboard on one server for a week. Everyone has different price points, but hey that's mine.
  14. Love these drawing but I gotta know, what is that in the upper right of Highway patrol? It kinda looks like some totem pole, or that giant robot from what was that movie called, Iron Giant? And is that an actual blue pig just outside Highway to the right?
  15. I like the ideas of monthly donation goals and more cosmetic name colors and custom titles. However you could consider giving donor perks on the forums and on TS/Discord. There's not a whole lot that you can "reward" donors with there, but it could move some of the donor perks from in-game to out of game. In TS maybe let donors change their descriptions, set their own server groups/icons, join a donor-only lounge channel (I'd suggest letting donors use TS Pokes but I think that'd be aids). On the forums you could let us change the phrase under our forum name, maybe put in a custom rank icon (not avatar, but the icon where my LT icon is), maybe let donors pin their montage to the top of the "Videos and Screenshots" forum for a week. Idk just some ideas. When in doubt: more cosmetics.
  16. Instead of our bank accounts being identical on both servers, maybe we could go to the Altis Government building and transfer a certain amount of money "across seas" to our Australia bank account, and likewise transfer back from Australia to Altis. To avoid it becoming just a second bank account that lets people avoid money cap, you could limit the # of transfers allowed per week, must be a transfer of at least $100k (with some tax taken off) for example and only transfers to the other server are allowed and not withdrawals from your other bank account.
  17. Makes complete sense on paper, makes zero sense in practice.
  18. It's now my "choice to nerf SWAT" because my option to abstain was taken away from me for no apparent reason. If there are reasons for the change, feel free to enlighten me. No need to make passive aggressive statements implying I have no desire to lead. I'm honestly baffled that you can't consider the possibility that someone might not want to respond to SWAT, even if it's bug-free. I'd much rather spend the first minutes of a bank scanning with my drone (that I always have at bank), marking the rebels' locations on the map, making sure all officers in other cities are responding like they need to, pulling Hunters/Orcas as needed, driving the non-SWAT officers to the staging area and yelling at SWAT lead (and all other non-SWAT cops) to not zerg in like idiots but wait for everyone else so we can make a coordinated push. That's my leadership style and I want to keep it like that. On a side note I've reported ~7 bugs to the bug tracker and they've all been fixed within 48 hours, but hey whatever works.
  19. Wasn't our bug tracker created so that we didn't have to make forum threads about bugs? I mean I love what you're doing here KBW, but doesn't this seem a little redundant? Well while we're sort of on the topic, I'm very opposed to the idea that everyone Corporal+ will be drafted for SWAT regardless of their SWAT whitelist status. Let's say there are 5 rebels at bank and 5 cops are drafted. If I don't go for whatever reason we'd only get 4 SWAT members, but there may be a Corporal who wanted to deploy for SWAT who wasn't drafted because I was drafted instead. It was fine the way it was (checking only whitelist status and not rank) so why change it? Is it an intentional nerf?
  20. Many SGT+ (like me) chose to be unwhitelisted for SWAT, and we would like it to stay that way. "It's hard to lead from a black screen." I just want to make sure that we are drafted for SWAT depending on what our SWAT whitelist status is, and not only on what our rank is.
  21. Does this mean that Constables who have been whitelisted for SWAT will no longer be drafted for SWAT? What about the Corporals+ that are not whitelisted for SWAT?
  22. I got a minor roast for @Mayhem that can be a stand in. Found this picture he drew while playing the greatest 3rd person shooter ever made (oh wait....) Hopefully this defuses the situation.
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