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王 rando 王

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Everything posted by 王 rando 王

  1. ive been staring at the purple ifrit pic. what the fuck am i looking at. can u give some close ups or different angles or something
  2. only being able to obtain higher power weapons from airdrops and events is better than being able to “buy the ability to always buy them at rebel”. as long as they’re super rare and can’t be purchased at rebel then i think it’s fine
  3. bring back 5 house slots Good houses were scarce not because people owned 5 houses but because people owned the same houses for 8 years and only joined for a collective 30 seconds every month to keep them
  4. idk how its done but ik the olympus phone settings does have an option to disable it. i just looked and i must've imagined this not much help ik, but it can be done. edit: check if this works. { if (typeOf _x == "Land_Church_01_V1_F" || typeOf _x == "Land_Church_02_V1_F") then { _x setVariable ["soundAlarm", false, true]; }; } forEach nearestObjects [player, ["Land_Church_01_V1_F", "Land_Church_02_V1_F"], 10000]; edit 2: yea this shit dont work
  5. the same message that comes up when you enter a redzone. he wants another message when you leave a redzone. but it'd probably never work 100% of the time seamlessly as i'm assuming there would be debounce when entering and exiting, so on the rare cases someone is playing hopscotch on the border of the redzone it will result in missed messages occasionally.
  6. facts. on myasylum on v2 i had 35% lockpicking success. now its 17%.
  7. nigga... no @Patato lock this shit
  8. okay retards. im tired of seeing notifications for this stupid shit. let me spell it out for you: gang fortress it's not meant for solo players. there could be 5 gang fortresses and not a single one of you retards no one has ever heard of will own it.
  9. this is why we need to bring back lynchings.
  10. the edits didnt make it better
  11. sorry, i’ll make some more suggestions soon..
  12. nah I want 5 house slots again
  13. Does this include the damage that the vehicle sustains or just to the player? In Olympus those barley bushes do nothing to a hatchback but on Asylum it’ll breaks its wheels and all type of shit
  14. Can you make the Cannabis plants at Weed Field respawn faster? I very much dislike the "scroll Gather and tab out until you hear the zipper sound" way of gathering. With the V3 update you reintroduced the Cannabis plants you can run around and pick by hand. However in practice you cannot actually do just that method of gathering. The Cannabis plants take forever to respawn! Now I know gathering these plants by hand can be very much quicker than the autogather option so it may be a balancing act. However I think it would be better if there wasn't a huge amount of downtime whilst waiting for the plants to respawn. As far as balancing an idea could be: Increase the radius in which the Cannabis plants spawn to cover a wider area Reduce the respawn time for the Cannabis plants Spread the Cannabis plants further apart from each other What I have listed above would increase the total amount of plants and decrease the respawn time for the plants, however it would also increase the time it takes to run from plant to plant. Hopefully resulting in eliminating the downtime between Cannabis plant respawns and ensuring balanced gathering speeds by increasing the run time from plant to plant. Now my exact approach to achieving this doesn't have to be done but the essentials for the interactive gathering are: No downtime waiting for plants to respawn Filling a truck inventory should be about 15% faster than it would be by the use of autogather.
  15. shit slaps @Azeh
  16. you think i dont got the teamspeak up for you rat ass niggas? metagame my middle name
  17. i got banned from the discord for 2 years for trying to get a tranny to kill themselves. i’ll do it again
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