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王 rando 王

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Everything posted by 王 rando 王

  1. POV: your name is robert and you just sexually assaulted a tractor
  2. you didnt get the q19 invite yet? thats weird, maybe a rank 3 wasnt on when you were
  3. when you're on the server you're invisible and shoot at me with a shotgun. like literally everytime..
  4. considering all drug processors have a 300m initiation zone and everyone processes drugs at drug dealer now, it makes sense for it to have its own defined zone as well. Obviously not a 300m red zone in the middle of a city but at least a 30m red zone would make sense
  5. fun fact of the day, if you played any of the non sweaty virgin factions you’d understand the problem. https://www.proactiv.com/order I’ll leave this for you
  6. can we please get a redzone or an actual physical distance for the initiation range on drug dealer. every nigga that sits in the house right beside drug dealer aiming at you from the window cries rdm when you clap their cheeks.
  7. i have very similar csgo crosshair is that why i suck
  8. worked to great success, they got mad and warred me. thanks for the support
  9. i got a lets talk perm cuz some guy saw me store my 50 after blowing his friends house up. no one killed btw, never initiated on.
  10. in text version: press y click my gang click invite select a name REPEAT
  11. make an upkeep system based off of hours, the more upgrades, house size, maybe even amount of storage being used translates into how many hours is required of you to play during that month, if you dont play the amount of required hours then you get evicted, lose the house. which is what you want, it'll prevent house hoarding from people joining once a month and would require them to play on the server. it would fix your issue of people not playing but still keeping houses, and would fix the issue we had with this system by allowing us to still play the server the way we want to play it, even if thats just sitting in kavala square all day.
  12. yea fuck that dude zel, give me my rat shack back
  13. dont make me do a few more lumber runs kid. this shit is mine
  14. i myasylumed the guy above he doesnt even have that much my offer is 1.1k and i actually got that much!
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