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Everything posted by Chorizo

  1. Hahaha yeah.... I am a Kavala citizen to my core.
  2. Long vid - fast-forward past my autism to 5:20 for my flip.
  3. I see APD had to increase police presence to control our square @server3.
  4. I doubt it...I will check next time I am in-game but I would suspect they are empty.
  5. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House (Small, Stone) House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k Location (Town/DP#): South of Cocaine Field (1.3km away) Asking Price: 150k, includes two large storage containers (empty) that are already placed Description: A great house for new players, or cocaine enthusiasts, to make easy money. Fill the house up with unprocessed cocaine from the field less than 30 seconds away when you have downtime, and process & sell it off when you need quick cash. I will also leave the two large storage containers so that the house is ready to make money. I am semi-retiring from the game and do not want to sit on a house another player could be using to get ahead. Pictures/Video Walk-through: Outside view of the house: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=865138514 View of crates (included with house): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=865138399 View on map: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=865138357 Romantic outdoor dining area with view: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=865137863
  6. I agree with the spirit of this comment 100% but I think that the current APD policies make it difficult for officers to achieve this RP goal. Sometimes finding an APD officer seems hopeless when you would like to turn yourself in. Many times we have wanted to turn ourselves in but get a "sorry dude someone is doing bank" - even if we are willing to come to them. Texts to the police are often ignored, 911 seems to never work, and Kavala seems constantly empty. In my experience most share your goal of more RP between civs & APD. Lately when we are hoping to turn ourselves in it is less about the 50% reduction and more about wanting to try out funny RP ideas we have but we cannot locate an officer anywhere. Perhaps the bank/Fed policy that EVERY officer must drop everything and fight could be tweaked? This could be purely anecdotal - but on server 3 Kavala is a police ghost-town it seems. Now don't get me wrong - I do not blame the officers AT ALL (lol) for abandoning Kavala, it seems more of a policy concern to me. Oftentimes once we have bounties we just ditch our gear and respawn in Athira - a virtual guarantee to find an APD officer. Maybe create a special unit that is strictly dedicated to community policing, and put a mandatory patrol in each town? Shoot, make cadets do it as part of cadet week I also think @Dredd idea of report for processing would be amazing. I think @dennozZ idea is a great compromise. With the current APD policy situation, oftentimes the life of a criminal/rebel becomes us vs. bounty hunters. With bounty hunters, it is a virtual guarantee that you will not get an RP experience. You will be downed after a 0.5 second warning or while driving from 50 yards away and then booked. If the goal is truly to achieve more RP serverwide (which I think is a critical goal), then some new strategies could be considered. Lately when I turn myself into courthouse it is to avoid a BH that isn't putting in the RP effort - I don't think that was the intention of the system. If RP situations with the APD aren't accessible because they are all forced to go to bank/fed or choose to just abandon Kavala then I think a rework of the courthouse system could create a better overall player experience.
  7. You don't choose the Rook life...the Rook life chooses you.
  8. This man understands! I also think maybe if you have a net worth less than $100k you spawn with a free Rook in Kavala. We should encourage and support more Rook banging. Also Cadets should be forced to patrol Kavala alone for 3 days to pass Cadet week. And bounty hunters should be outlawed in Kavala square because no one likes them. You get should get a suicide vest discount the higher your bounty gets - and sell them at the square market. #SUPPORTCRIME
  9. I don't think anyone would say that the Rook is a good weapon. The Rook isn't about stats, utility, or skill - it is a way of life. Nothing personifies the aspiring low-level Kavala criminal like the Rook. The Rook is an institution. Forget pay-to-win gear and fancy rebel guns. Only a Rook gives you the feeling of being a true gangbanger. Furiously banging thirty rounds down a dark Kavala alley at some other idiot that challenged your e-peen in the square is the lifeblood of Kavala. It is a rite of passage for the new player.
  10. Happy to see the Rook getting the love it deserves. Rook-banging in Kavala is a time honored tradition that should be cherished and encouraged.
  11. I think the change is great! I think changes that force more RP can only improve the experience. In addition - anything that makes bounty hunting more challenging should be supported and encouraged Hopefully this will cut down on some of the sketchy bounty hunting tactics. For example the classic "I told you to stop bro, I don't know how you didn't hear me!" after you are downed 100+ yards away while cruising down the highway.
  12. Hi Merrick: I will put in $150k offer, thanks.
  13. Thanks for addressing @bamf!
  14. I also suggest scotch if you have a house. It is easy to get set up and you can have fun with your friends while it ages. Once your barrels are full you can screw around or do something else for money if you really want to hustle. 9/10 player encounters at the distillery are super chill (at least on my server). If you see players there just shoot a text and ask if you can work in - everyone just wants to make money. It is the APD that is the true enemy of the scotch runner.
  15. Hi @bamf: I am currently having an issue with my house containers and thought I would try to give some detail in case it gives clues for your team. 1. Logged in this morning and hit "show containers" on all of my houses. 2. Played 15 minutes or so. Filled my containers and then logged off. 3. 30 minutes later I logged back on and the crates are hidden. Now I do not have the option to hide or show my containers making them permanently hidden. This is persistent across all of my houses. I have tried soft and hard logging with the same result. It doesn't give me the option to show or hide the containers, making them permanently hidden for now. I am not 100% sure, but I believe both of my logins are within the same restart cycle i.e. the server has not reset yet. Maybe it has to do with logging off and back in on the same server cycle? Anyways hope that helps, thanks for all that you guys do!
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