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Everything posted by Ruiz

  1. Rustafied odd, medium 2 and barren
  2. to be fare You have got killed by a pm 9mm when you were fully geared ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. Ruiz

    Short & Simple.

    This is a game of positioning hello. Even if they leave them it is still a game of positioning. Peek fast and peek different spots not just the same one.
  4. Salty Connor Is a trial in prime I think and Zaney was on trial when he got permed
  5. Two member in tenacity one member in prime one permed not really half
  6. this was good first montage; less cop kills next time and make it a bit longer.
  7. I just wanted to post my montage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. In your next one do not put fresh spawn kills or took banger kills also stay away from putting any turf kills. Instead put more clips of you killing people at cartels like when the ifrit dropped on you.
  9. sadly the shed of memes is running low ever since the original meme team leader smashed a laptop
  10. Tiger was the one on the left on dildo lmao
  11. Feed Back Appreciated some kills
  12. War kills don't matter really I have like 50 but will shit on you. Nice shot.
  13. Only one fight was laggy
  14. gotta love when the rebel wall is there for you and isnt there for others *sigh* at 15 seconds
  15. Your welcome for me spotting that lmao XD @Reapered
  16. 1:31 all I have to say
  17. https://gyazo.com/e2b451666e710cc328b351a6da805f51 74 dislikes feelsbad man
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