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Metal Fox

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  1. Listen, dont let your daddy and uncle issues out on me, it was them saying "you are fat irl" if you payed any attention. get some counseling. lol if you mean "sucess" as in "lets dive into every situation and respawn if it doesnt work" "sucess" then you are "sucessfil"
  2. Bo it was so many things. I was fully charged 25k the actual kidnapper was pardoned. Lol
  3. I agree with this post. The people want 120 space, perk or not!
  4. So! Since the update we have seen changes to the Carryall Backpack from a solid 120 to a 94 storage. Simply put it would be a proficient to level out some of these bags to better numbers and an overall backpack tweek. The current system is like trying to bake a cake with 3 totally different measurement systems which just make it impractical to move things around, do runs, sell at commodities, ect. Most maxed cars, trucks storage end up being 250 storage. Others can max out at 500 and 1000. Very even and solid numbers. Now we have backs with 84, 96, and 94. a very odd metric of measurement. I'm no longer dealing with close to 2 carryall loads is almost a jeep, car, truck load while having my own backpack full as well. Which was good, not perfect but nice even math, solid runs. Now with the new backpack system Civs, Rebel and Bounty get a hard nurf with any type of backpack activity. I'm now seeing 2 and 1/8th plus current backpack while on the go. where I have an added leftover. Basically doing an extra process but at the same time having less. It's odd and clunky and makes every run of every type make you come up with less money now making with more time. What do the numbers mean, Mason?
  5. Hours in Arma 3: 2,552hrs Age:29 Eu or Na: NA What other Gangs were you in?: AXE Do you wish to serve as one of Allah's servants and why?: I was told you guys had a great healthcare plan and dental. Also I haven't been a Kavala rat in ages and I heard on the streets this is the best place to start. Are you cool with any members in ISA?: I mean if you are tight with ISA then usually you are tight with Farmersville so safety in Kavala is the best plus.
  6. like in kavala and most towns there is a random spawn location, would really like this in Katkoula. otherwise you get things like this... Which will happen over and over and since I have a truck full of gold and diamonds hidden down the road, I cant exactly just leave it there to despawn. Of course since this is even an 8 minutes video "banning" is still being questionable xD (considering no voice contact was made at all). Besides the fact there is a chance players like these will go unpunished... A random spawn location in a town like that (such as we have in kavala) may prove profitable for everyone!
  7. I know how arma 3 ends. The script was leaked.
  8. This is the third night in a row xD I only get on after work. this sucks.
  9. Name:Metal_Fox Age:28 Timezone:CST Hours(screenshot):Steam added How can you contribute to Korean Street Gang: Strategic monetary gain tactics, Overnight hours (I often play on the server 8+ hours a day), Medic, Chopper, Co-op Friendly and my grandma says I'm cool. Previous Gangs: Kings of Altis (Shabby low level trigger happy gang) Why are you interested in joining Korean Street gang:Because i want to be sheydog when I grow up. Anyone Who Could Vouch For You: N/A Are you with the APD:No
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