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APD Officer
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Posts posted by TheOneAndOnlyArrow

  1. I only drop gear for decent roleplay, which i rarely get. The only thing I hear when I am kidnapped is "Drop your gear or die!", I say "No" they say "Oh? So you aren't valuing your life? Okay cya on the forums!" Then they just leave me restrained and blindfolded. People need to learn that if you want to get a cop to drop their gear... roleplay with them. For example "Hey I'm going to a Police themed party and I really wanna go but I can't get a uniform. Can I borrow one for the night?" stuff like that.

    Bherky likes this
  2. 5 hours ago, wollie35 said:


    1 mil

    So maybe he can buy his way to corporal? aaron #foreverconstable


    Bastard ;)


    5 hours ago, Midamaru said:

    We're gonna do the following: 

    Post below the name of a player


    Reason why

    I'll pick and start giving away, you can try motivate eachothers wish by quoting or liking. 


    1.5 mil

    Too pay for a speech therapist so he can learn to talk properly? 2 years still can't understand him. Hehe ;)

    Farmer Steve likes this
  3. 22 hours ago, Szolit said:

    Thanks man it means a lot that SOME people trust me and know that I am mature 


    You tried accepting younger members I got accepted as a younger member I was literally told I got kicked because of my shot to my face in ts then told it was actually my age. Also I don't know anyone that had a grudge with me since I was young in EU times we had jokes about matth grooming me and shit it was hilarious. Clearly u did not have to keep it PG around me. Honestly all I wanted to do in that gang is joke around with mr12inch and matth have fun doing cartels if u ask either of them they did not have to keep it PG around me like your saying that you have to keep everything PG when u didn't. 

    Bro please keep this thread to recruitment, Stop constantly commenting on conversations simple due to the fact you are unhappy about the way things are. It's life end of.
    P.S. I wasn't aware of this "grooming" joke

  4. 15 hours ago, BananaGoatPC said:

    so a 24/7 lockdown on Kavala?

    NO it can't be used 24/7 just as Boone said maybe if a city is simple too hard to control this could be used, rarely, to control it. As I said need an LT to authorise it and use of martial law enforces strict rules on APD and on Civs

  5. 20 hours ago, Boone said:

    Well, I'm not going to be a dick like the rest of this thread has been and outright refuse this but I will tell you I think it's a good idea to a certain extent. I don't think it should be something that is called upon frequently but maybe something like an event like a fed or bank. For instance, when Kavala gets so bad that officers can't even walk around without getting shot or for example when those guys were kidnapping the entire police force on P1 then I would say that a Martial Law system would be cool. To alleviate the logon problems and other issues just make alarms go off throughout the city and a message notification every minute that ML is active. Overall, good idea in my opinion, just wrong implementation. It would definitely be fun to do but just make it a rare occurrence. Also, I do agree that we can't just abandon Kavala when it gets the way it does, something has to be done. 

    That was I meant it too be used for. Im not saying that it happens 24/7 but if cops simple can't control a city then maybe this could help.

  6. Just now, Legendary Cifunds said:

    Since the beginning Kavala is being a hellhole as always. Veteran people learned to avoid Kavala.

    Maybe this would be a good way to control it. We are looking for a solution this could be one.

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