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Everything posted by wollie35

  1. @Abu Bakar Bashir, i have another 70 k house in dp21 for the same price if ur interested
  2. Ye, baskie the basketball was my cellmate, and i figured out she was female after a year or 2. Im sorry for your aids
  3. I'm sorry to say sir, but that has a name : HIV-positive
  4. Any fix on the fact that the last character is missing when you send a text message in systemchat? Guess not?
  5. Deal, i will be on in a couple hours is ur ign abu bakar bashir aswell?, i am going to take ma mk1 out of that house tho
  6. Hey, i am the highest Corporal (i know it's random order just let me be ;( ) time to flame the constables haha
  7. So when u applying for boats and hoes, u seem to fit our playstyle ;P
  8. i got a 70k meth house dp21, with some phoshporus, hydrogen and a bunch of lockpicks,zipties, other carryable materials. on S3. I can't make a picture until I come home this evening. (its in the center op d21)
  9. used to be active eu DMG, but stopped playing when the revolver came out, did a game with collins and matth 3 days ago, i think i got placed gn 3 or some shit. They ruined cs tho in my opinion
  10. sniff sniff, i smell bullshit ;), nice f12 tho
  11. Respect to @livernutsto listening to my 15 min bullshit story, SIDENOTE : @Aaron2431 kept screaming i am gonna get a pardon, ends up recieving a 153 k ticket into parole SIDENOTE : I was already there for like 6 mins or so, i just cut the part out SIDENOTE : My lacie get back in the kitchen was a joke (please no feminists )
  12. The phone went white because racism (jk), no just alot of shit went down glad your back how were your weeks
  13. Could also work yes, as i said just an idea there is Always thigns to work around it
  14. ur profile picture actually makes me sad
  15. ur profile pic states otherwise Mr Heidelberg
  16. @speed i see what you are coming from and it would Always be interesting if the rebels had to push the cops MOVING INSIDE, but the problem with this is, the rebels WILL ALWAYS need to iniate the illegal activity before the cops will show up there, wich kinda makes it so rebels needing to push cop activity hard to create. I felt like this is what they were already trying with the new prison since u can spawn inside the prison once as a cop. I've been thinking about a transport activity recently, wich would make it so the rebels can steal a valuable transport, based on the amount of officers that are online/last time since it's been done. I feel like this valuable transport would have too be somewhere on the west side of the map, because what they need to do with it, they need to drive it towards the prison (kinda stealing of whoever had the prison smuggler idea), and sell these (items or whatever it is) to the smuggler, wich gives them large amounts of dirty money. They are obviously not allowed to slingshot the valuable target towards the prison, and a tracker will be placed on this transport for all the officers. If the officers manage to get their hands on the truck (or whatever car it is), they can drive it to the nearest HQ, and seize all the illegal items (with a reward of the casual seize reward and obviously the bounty of the rebels if they down). This gives the cops alot of time to prepare to DEFEND vs the PUSHING rebels (as you requested). Would also make the spikes trip game alot more fun. What i don't want to think about is other rebels trying to steal this car of the rebels who iniated it. Idk how this could be prevented but hey this is just an idea. What i do want to think about, is that if they manage to sell these items to the smuggler they still gotta sell the dirty money, (wich is when the rebel vs rebel fights come in). But this is not relevant with the officers It's just an idea, and lacks alot but since u ask for suggestions u got one.
  17. probably because this is ur Skype : minecraftgod420
  18. if you fuckup, try to work it out with the person, i accidentally downed the wrong person the other day (could have been considered rdm) (he was naked), i asked if he wanted something and that i was sorry he asked 10k, assuming ur not broke you can pay a couple k comp every months assuming u dont break rules on purpose if you do feel like breaking rules join BnH
  19. Thought prime was asylum? or did that go away too since tiger
  20. Don't forget Bots and Hoes, we patrol kavala daily, while not even being on the APD. We are good citizens
  21. +1, i just love ideas like this wich will improve cop vs rebel play, obviously this shouldn't be all the seized equipment, but make it a bit random so ur either Lucky and get good stuff, or bad luck and run out there with 21 sdars
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