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Blake Kingsin

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Everything posted by Blake Kingsin

  1. People before you say trash theres a reason why its titled "Trash asylum player"
  2. bc no matter what i do you are there and u fuk me in my ass like fuck, when was the last time you used your primary
  3. wtf. I have a 750 ti with an i5 4460 and 8gb ram and get 60 fps all around on high settings.
  4. s2 is dead imo. Not many cartel fights or gangs. If you want fights and stuff it would be s3.
  5. please no jets or tanks on malden
  6. Can't do that while leady and Josh Coon are sitting in tanks with waldo in the skies and plenty of ground troops coming at you all at once.
  7. 300k? damn, I bought 2 70ks for 125k each and a 120k for 225k there
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