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Everything posted by °Juicyy°

  1. why is that disgusting friend? its a fucking picture? and never really asked you about what u think of my picture..
  2. u should really get a new computer bro.. but other then that good shit my danish brother <3
  3. so when i have a video on my PC ready for Youtube upload the quality is great but when i upload it even with 1080p it just look.. like SHIT! someone please help me..
  4. Well i do the same, what are they gonna do about it?? make a Player report on chinese? LOL
  5. more like 10ft loI I dident know u were stll alive Boss my bae, what server u playing on? and what gang?
  6. Does this 911 gang have members on the forums? was hoping for some SALT from them...
  7. °Juicyy°


    Even i Could have done this but im not fast enough...
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