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APD Officer
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  1. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Stump in Change log 8.0.4   
    Super Rpgs
  2. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Jamal in Change log 8.0.4   
  3. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by J. Urbanowski in Change log 8.0.4   
  4. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Vietnamese Farmer in Keep server 2 down   
    You really think just dropping a server where people have everything, or where certain ranks of the APD reside with absolutely no prep or foresight is a good idea? What if your server was randomly dropped and you lost everything inside of your houses, and not to mention the "True" value of your houses? (countering the market value, what we will be comped if we do not get our houses back.) Asylum would also have a loss of players due to those who no longer would want to play when everything they had was ripped away from them.
  5. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Cam Shmeat in BIS has issued a "fix" for the BE kicks   
    No your completely correct. Scotch and meth are my main source of income and now I'm stuck making petty money on the other servers. It's horse shit.
  6. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Emma in BIS has issued a "fix" for the BE kicks   
    I hope this isn't too late, I understand that most of the former development team, Alan and Paratus have devoted their time to Identity because let's be honest, that game is their own IP and has a chance of being successful if they do everything right... anyhoot, I'm afraid that their absence and the lack of content might drive players away from both this community, most recently, a well known member, Google left and that's pretty serious. Veteran players are packing their bags and going to other servers and that might trickle down into purchasing Identity itself, why invest in a game when the devs of the Asylum servers jumped ship after the next up and coming thing. It could be viewed as a vicious cycle of repetition that might taint the reputation of Asylum Entertainment, even before their first big release. Unfortunately, players ask for the world when it comes to ArmA Asylum, they want new this and new that but new content is hard to add when the map size limits you. Altis isn't New York City and you don't want hundreds of locations stack upon one another as it causes more problems and then solves the few that cry for more rebel locations and more cartel locations. Granted, small updates, periodically, with tiny fixes wouldn't exactly freshen up the game itself, but make people release that, "Hey, they do give a shit about Joe Blow's request to add this in, and the idea he proposed gained a lot of support and they implemented it in, wonder what I should request?" While development teams don't hire people with the simple job title of "Idea person," this community is full of them, and some might even have the ability to offer their talents to implement some of the ideas they ask for. The bottom line is this, I don't want Asylum to burn their bridges by abandoning the project that bought the community together, full of hyper active squeakers and people who can snipe my ass from across the map (Fuck all you bastards by the way). We're friends, we're enemies, we're that awkward stage in between where you don't know if you want to kick someone's head in or give them a hug... That's all, I just hope now, that if this fix works and BattleEye unfucks itself, I hope to see new content, even if it's small updates here and there. A new gun, some new clothing, small scripts or this and that, new locations that may be reworked and tweaked, just something that says, "Hey, we didn't forget all of you and take your money to help pay for the servers and the upcoming Identity release. Toodles!
  7. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Revenant in BIS has issued a "fix" for the BE kicks   
    wHeRe ThE fUcK iS s2. i NeEd My gOv MoNeY BiTcH
  8. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Bleach Chugger in BIS has issued a "fix" for the BE kicks   
    Amen s1 and 4 are trash
  9. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by RicoMontana in BIS has issued a "fix" for the BE kicks   
    ye bring up server 2
  10. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Cam Shmeat in BIS has issued a "fix" for the BE kicks   
    When the hell with server 2 be up?
  11. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by BlackShot in Prediction of the Gang Wars Finale   
    That little Norwegianviking flying. Haha.

  12. Bannab1 liked a post in a topic by Bherky in WTS S1 Kavala Square House   
    I had this on s2, I kidnapped two people inside the house. After they got unrestrained they bought the house for 750k. Didn't realize they'd buy it, I lost around 30 ak12's
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