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Posts posted by postgame

  1. So I was transporting some guns to my S3 Pyrgos house from Kavala

     I went through Pyrgos square at a brisk 110 km/h, only to find a Police Constable driving on the wrong side of the road, at the same speed.

    I swerved to avoid impact as he clearly wasn't, and hit a building in the middle of the square.

    I quickly put my MK1 into my car and stepped out to repair my vehicle, however, the cop pulled into a U-Turn and tapped the back of my car, almost killing me

    I was on parole at the time, so I had nothing to be afraid of. He asked me questions about why I was going so fast, and I responded asking why he was on the wrong side of the road, nonetheless the same speed as I was.

    It got to the point where he was beginning to bother me almost in the sense of a pesky little brother. At the point I began to show impatience, 2 cop cars pulled up, intentionally blocking any escape.

    As I asked why this was so, a 4th police car pulled up, and another Constable stepped out and started pacing around, guns unholstered along with 3 cadets.

    I began to throw jokes toward the group as I was clearly outnumbered, and there were guns in my car so my priority was to get to my home as fast as possible, whilst not being detected by police.

    The cops began trying to open the inventory of my car I noticed, and they all crowded around it, pacing focused intently on the car like Mayans worshipping a god. 

    I told the constable who initially stopped and questioned me, who seemed to be the leader of the barrel of monkeys, "Hey bro, you all pounce on me, I'm gonna have to punch one of ya in the gut."

    "You got any guns in here bro?"

    I stopped. Again I was in full rebel gear, excluding a gun, on parole. This wasn't gonna be an easy pull. 

    "No officer, if I owned any guns, they'd probably be in my home."

    "Are you admitting to having firearms in your home? This guy is admitting to having firearms in his home!"

    I was then momentarily tied, before realizing it.

    According to the Constable, threatening to "punch" an officer, as well as my remark about firearms is considered probable cause to search my home, and my car.

    While I'm not sure about my home, my car was searched, and they found my package. The gun, as well as the ammunition and the threat to "punch" an officer, amounted to a 25k bounty, obviously breaking parole.

    For once, the officer was liberal and reduced it to a 13k ticket. I paid the ticket, and my guns were seized, and I was still tied.

    The constable and his 3 cadets got in their vehicles and the other constable untied me 25 seconds later and I was amazed at what just happened. Only the 2nd half was recorded, and will be uploading it for my friends to see momentarily.


    Is threatening to "punch" an officer, as well as suggesting a probability of firearms in one's home probable cause for a full search and seizure?

    If so, it will be the first time I've heard of such causes in my 2 years on Asylum.

    If not, I will be gathering my evidence and revealing the names of said officers for a complaint.

    wollie35 and Walt like this
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