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• B A R K I N •

APD Officer
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Everything posted by • B A R K I N •

  1. Yes, but will Asylum accept the 6th house when the cap is 5 personal houses plus a gang house?
  2. I made a solo gang just for myself about a month ago so that I could own 6 properties. I no longer want to be in my solo gang. What happens to the house? Will I still own it or will it be lost? How can I safely disband the gang and still have 100% ownership of the property? @Gnashes
  3. who are you and what are you talking about?
  4. OP Grounder wants to buy the house. He owns the other two.
  5. https://gyazo.com/a6dab33909133d098c0fe5ecf4facb1d A moment of silence for another great pilot. @MARCUS STANLEY xD
  6. You own that house! Woah I always wondered who my neighbors were! That was my main house for the longest time! I'm selling mine as well. Do you own the long house? I'll buy it off you.
  7. LOL isn't that a Disciples member? This speaks volumes about their gang!
  8. Server: 2 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Garage Garage Size(40k/55k/60k): 55k Location (Town/DP#): Gravia, South of Athira Asking Price: 70k [Listed] [Accepting Offers] Description: A perfect garage located in Gravia. MUST GO! Pictures/Video Walk-through: Location: https://gyazo.com/620169d5c1723323b6eb3b1cead3f5dc Exterior: https://gyazo.com/4ba8b5a8fa9f6554c2367020a274a6ec
  9. Server: 2 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: house [SOLD] House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): Gravia, South of Athira Asking Price: 345k (or offers) [Listed] Description: Wonderful two story house located in Gravia. The house is great from a roleplay and profitability standpoint. I recommend buying three aging barrels for this house and making scotch. It will pay its self off in no time. Also, the outside of the house makes it look like a restaurant. Its quite cool to be honest. Send offers if too pricey. BONUS: Buy both House and Garage to save 15k! (Let me know if you are interested in the combo) Pictures/Video Walk-through: Location: https://gyazo.com/957fcd80ac8b255be2f838b1d5a4adab Front View: https://gyazo.com/3d6fa859deff1bd1f5ce54d907c19ec6 Back View: https://gyazo.com/6716afdba456fce0dfc6a064c2473516
  10. The fact that you took the time to respond to me with negativity says a lot about your pathetic life. Re-evaluate yourself.
  11. "you can ban him for toxicity" bru how the fuck am I still here then
  12. Rip the fucking real estate market. My properties aren't worth shit anymore.
  13. Server: S2 [SOLD] House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Two story 3 crates included House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150K [SOLD] Location (Town/DP#): Charkia /19 Asking Price: Listed for 185K [SOLD] Description: This two story house is located 4kms west of Meth lab. 3 crates are included. It even has a vast backyard with a bench out front. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/a5b2787ee525f011dd35697518994eee https://gyazo.com/078070fe045e4b450e998f9cebbb3442 https://gyazo.com/195f6405a6bf1686da52a9b63b938c95
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