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• B A R K I N •

APD Officer
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Everything posted by • B A R K I N •

  1. I was unflipping quad bikes and I turned out to be the ass end of the joke! https://gyazo.com/26bcf4cfaffe1edf9e74ae6ffcb7a246 https://gyazo.com/846520527f6c3727901bb356e2d80a26 LITERALLY LAUNCHED INTO ORBIT I have it recorded, but my laugh makes me sound autistic so I don't really wanna upload it.
  2. - In-Game Name: Barkin - Timezone: Eastern US - Age: 19 - Arma 3 Hours (Screenshot):1026 https://gyazo.com/fbc283e19a0bd5de76a2ba5257eae363 - Previous Gangs: Disciples, The Dogs, Muffin SS, Reliance - Why do you want to join Wicked?: My combat is decent, my knowledge is improving. I want to join an organization where I can gain more experience as well as help my fellow members. I am financially stable, and own many high value properties. I will help fight anytime I am asked to. I'm not the best player in Asylum, but I am constantly improving and moving closer to becoming a high-tier player. I mainly want to be in an organization that can help fight off Reliance. All I ask is that Wicked gives me a chance and if they feel that I am not worthy, I will respectfully resign. - Any members who can vouch for you: Unfortunately, no. I have not had the pleasure of meeting any of the members on the roster.
  3. @Twinkie Retard, Dally tried helping me out and I wanted to return the favor by joining his gang. I didn't even want to join, but he was persistent.
  4. So S2 had a vicious attack today. The culprit spawned in millions of dollars and gave it to players. As someone who's worked hard for their money, It bothers me that these people have millions upon millions of dollars. They all have Eminent tags, and probably dozens of expensive vehicles and they didn't even work for it! I have two questions: How is Asylum going to take out all the illegal money fairly? And how is Asylum going to take back all the goods bought with the illegal money? (Vehicles, Properties, etc.) Note: I didn't not get any money from this. I'm just a concerned citizen.
  5. I have a 70k next to the Jewelry store and a 120k in Garvia south of Athira. It's not what you asked for but maybe you would be interested.
  6. I feel like Strife was the big Summer update. I sure hope Life gets some new features though.
  7. MODOK nooooo! Even though I trolled the shit out of you, I still thought you were pretty chill. My brother Leonid and I made you a living meme irl! You will be missed.
  8. Did you just try and give me a signature tutorial? Also, that bitch is fine as fuck.
  9. fuck your signature haha, I was like "a bug??" then I tried to kill it
  10. They're about to lose half their members too. I have some inside information
  11. When a meme gang tries to attack a legitimate gang.
  12. Read your original listing. There is no location. Also, that garage used to be mine at one point. How much is the Muffin SS Headquarters worth to Bossman? I am interested in the property.
  13. yea like how tf you going to make a listing without even providing a damn DP location or a gyazo.
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