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Bob Lee

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Bob Lee

  1. @Bunni add me and @Jaconite back to roster list you mong, i told you i was going on vacation for 2 weeks. or i am exposing you
  2. You overclock only one core so no point. your base feq is 3.8Ghz, don't know what you want
  3. I make 88k with a box truck and no cartel. 150k/hour doing scotch? Since when? You don't even know what you are talking about. Oh, and stop posting in STRIFE section, ty
  4. Just because you cap cartels with FSA, doens't mean that you are good
  5. Are you talking about that fight when they got wiped in 2 mins?
  6. I was too late for the party
  7. Don't judge my aim, I was playing too much cop lately. Someone show me good rendering settings.
  8. -Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141157215/ -Steam Game you want: http://store.steampowered.com/app/420290/ BLACKWAKE - Why you want it: It seems to be a fun game to play
  9. if you woudn't be so inactive, you could make more of them
  10. It's lika alcatraz, you can't escape from it.
  11. Why is the video the same size as a tablet?
  12. If you are with him in a group/gang and the officer restrains him, kill the cop
  13. In-game name: Bob Lee Timezone: EU, Slovenia Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): https://prnt.sc/fshc39 Previous gang affiliations: Shield, Balkan Mafia, Sinister Why we should accept you: I have money, i have time, i know where cartels are, i suck at flying and because i already paid 1million to get ts ip Member who can vouch for you : Steve, Bunni, Jaconite, Mabye Google? but i'm not sure about him, he thinks that Sinister still exist. Somebody save him
  14. stop living in the past and start living in reality
  15. I accidentally puted my hands up so Bunni took the opportunity and robbed me! I fell very betrayed and he even blocked me on steam. I want my money back + respect. Just because you are a leader it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want! I just want to point it out that Bunni..., ...you are a fucking scammer. Proof Love you <3
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