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Bob Lee

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Bob Lee

  1. if AMD = raptor, if NVIDIA = shadowplay, OBS = fps hungry
  2. Bring back Stratis to farm money and remove the guns.
  3. Okey then remove/change the RDM and VDM rules, because you can shot and run over everyone you want without initiating. rules are the rules. i'm pretty sure there would be a clusterfuck if the would make some big changes
  4. There we have a great picture of newbies who join asylum and want's to change everything. 1. This rule is understandable 2. Don't harras me 3. You got angry after 1 second= kid 4. You are nobody
  5. That's exploit... Action taken
  6. I almost did, but it wasn't on porpuse.
  7. That's why you are fat Google, you eat everything by yourself.
  8. Casual day on Asylum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4BWPGIxNp4
  9. Yeah, I'm watching Trailer Park Boys aswell!
  10. AMD is your problem. Maybe is the problem in the driver itself, wait for the next patch. Check the cable aswell.
  11. Ask @Sijanec he is the best programmer in the class
  12. The car exploded and you didn't die. Send me the script
  13. Let me guess... You don't know shit about computers
  14. How to get views https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_2757953257&feature=iv&src_vid=XIMLoLxmTDw&v=DAktprIQ7pg
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