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Brendon Smith

APD Officer
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Everything posted by Brendon Smith


  2. Thanks for locking my Post BaDa Iv been meaning to ask a admin to do that for me but been busy :)

  3. What do you guys think of my first ever Peak One Tap?
  4. I also belive this is a good post, it would be better if prision got another over haul its been like 6 months
  5. Why can people loot bodys it sucks cus I was killed and some guys took all my gear off my body
  6. I met him and we did a store robbery back in 2015
  7. i thaught this before but its just a great place to take hostages
  8. I now know who the russian dude who got on my TS was.
  9. How much would somone buy a Spike Strip on S6 for?

  10. yes, low sec zones there safer than u think
  11. I restarted my PC, It fixed that but now it says I need to do somthing to a file the file is wheels the one that has the perrari in it and stuff
  12. Brendon Smith


    So Every day I try to join S6 but when I join most of the time arma closes compleatly and it takes a long time to actualy join anyone know why this is? (IT is possible to join but it is very hard to my computer doesnt want to start it up) I can join a slot and when it says Loading game... It crashes
  13. i still like s6 Its fun! I like how its modded i was getting sick of old asylum and just to shake thing sup that is great and the modded community is huge its just a matter of time with updates and the future i feel like people will be back on s6, also plz add long range scopes it will target a larger group of players
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