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Everything posted by Eli

  1. Well he did admit of cutting the video, but you can still see him lagging at the end and tanking bullets.
  2. From 9-10 seconds you edit the clip, to look like he teleported to you. Also, the clip seems like it was in fast forward
  3. For me, It was his play-style at the time that made it so beast. The amount of aggression he would put out just by his lonesome was amazing.
  4. Eli

    Change log 7.7.0

    Will the top prestige list be replaced by the top rich? Also, if the person dies by one shot, is he the vest still going to go off? Even if I shoot him with a downing weapon?
  5. Eli

    Change log 7.7.0

  6. Eli

    Change log 7.6.0

    This is the reason they don't get used. perfect time to get Haych some views.
  7. Eli

    Change log 7.6.0

    You only need like 3-5 really good guys that are decently smart to wipe rebels as a cop. There were some pretty clutch moment when I was a Corporal, and would single handed prison/ and banks. There was a point and time were I kept getting spammed that I hacked, when all I did was play smart.
  8. I remember when @Snatch gave me a Taru to stop you on your solo bank run. It was a good Lt present :D.
  9. Eli

    Change log 7.6.0

    Interesting, I always thought the bank had a hard cap.
  10. Eli

    Change log 7.6.0

    Well, off of my experience, I hardly see rebels, pulling out any box trucks to do banks. However, it does make sense to do it just to get more cops on to do a Fed. Usually what happens in most of the bank that I've been a part of, the rebels stay their longer to kill cops until they stop coming. Also, it doesn't make sense how the bank should be the last thing to do after the restart (it should be the Fed). If i'm not mistaken, doesn't the $$$ in the bank increase over time, why does it take the whole restart to accumulate the 230k?.
  11. Eli

    Change log 7.6.0

    I don't understand what you said here? Do you mean that people won't do banks because it will take long to rob it? Most rebels stopped doing banks because you had to retrieve gold bars and only run away with 70% of the money. The past 3-4 months, there hardly have been any banks because of this, and rebels only do them to kill cops now. Most banks,prison breaks, and Feds, last longer than 15 min after it's over.
  12. Eli

    Change log 7.6.0

    this is about server performance and a length of a fight ...
  13. Eli

    Change log 7.6.0

    And Cartel fights don't last more than 20 min? I remember Synergy patrolling for Roaches for 20 min just to push in.
  14. Eli

    Change log 7.6.0

    Exactly. I like how the new bank structure has more things to work for to push up. Instead of the 400m of empty terrain and two houses, there are tons of objects to take cover from (and it's only like 200m away from the bank) and tbh, if Rebels are going to be set up in those buildings, I'll actually try to down them. The deer stands are something that I'm still hesitant at, but I feel like the bank time should increase to 20 min. edit: Also, the new coast setup lets cops have a better angle to kill the people off of the roof of the bank.
  15. Dammit Lethal, I do this with armored vehicles, now you're going to get it nerfed.
  16. That chopper was camouflaged by the road... wtf
  17. Nah, that's just yah boi that hates being wall-banged.
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