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Everything posted by Dork

  1. steven and P.Ness are the same person
  2. why didnt you just jump back in the car right before hitting the ground?? newbs everywhere...
  3. Dork


    lol, we were just talking in TS how no one knew who you were in game, but one of the biggest troll on the forums
  4. Dork


    @Toasted @Hank Storm @Gubber Flexx @Newfie were onto something. We now know the gang he is in !!!
  5. really, he only wasted like a mag
  6. Dork

    Cop Vs Civ FPS

    cops have too many people in the group. having too many hexes causes lag, thats why civs were narrowed to 10
  7. he's got the clip, ill tell him to put it up
  8. 1.475 to be exact. got to hit that in between marker. and walt was getting pissed because we were all shooting at him and he was like "the bullets are bouncing off the ground in front of me guys, stop it" i love it when he whines to us in TS, it makes me moist.
  9. the hex helped alot and walt flipped shit when he actually hit it
  10. lmao you should have heard explicit in TS from that first clip. think he said every curse word known to man. How the fuckingshitcuntasshole.... pull his gun before me.
  11. Dork

    New arma patch

    i got a headache after playing for an hour, had to take a break.
  12. sadly, heroin processing is not a cartel nor a rebel. lower the price or no one will buy
  13. it would also help with the robo constables that always charge everyone with attempted manslaughter +1 you killed 3 cops and i shot you in the back, here's an attempted manslaughter charge.
  14. trying to stay on topic, cops need to stop checking donor ever 10 minutes, people spawn here for a free, quick way to gear back up to go back and fight a cartel,
  15. the interaction with different civilians, protecting them and representing the server as a whole and being an active police force? the difference is your hurting the guy thats in kavala being chased down by a fire-eyed rook banger texting the police over and over for assistance, with no reply because your more worried about a paycheck (Which is shit now anyways with the update). idk about any other precinct but P2 seems to be horrible for things like this. yea, stay in donor for 5 minutes or so to see if you can get 1 guy, but patrol your normal areas and protect the civilians as much as possible. dont sit there for 15-20 minutes +, go check cocaine and then come back and sit again for 20 minutes just waiting to get a 10k paycheck from a guy with a 100k bounty.
  16. Patrolled yes, Sit there in front of medical for 15 minutes waiting for someone to die and respawn, no If you respawn as a cop is driving around and sees you, get fucked IMO. but if you spawn and they are standing there, then you know they are therefor the money. 75% the time the cops just fly over and flip sirens in an orca until they land, so you cant respawn and can only buy a rook. ive been not wanted before and shot for standing still because i normally have huge bounties.
  17. at :20 i wish i could shoot air and get kills
  18. it seems like its your flux capacitor.
  19. get rekt bunni lol for real though is it any server? might be memory or something else. That code has such a wide margin
  20. @Rodrigo Lock this, shows a player in a negative light
  21. you literally lost no gear besides a backpack and a fucking shirt. Useless shit like this is what have the admins so backed up with work. Maybe if you had an illegal weapon and a vest or y inventory it could be justifiable but shit like this happens everyday in all towns, not just kavala. Get over it, as @hamsham12 stated
  22. probably one of the best LT's S1 will ever see
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