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Everything posted by Dork

  1. Sell it to me M8 at a discounted gang member price ill pay 50k
  2. Lets make an autocross track with traffic cones and walls and such! Civs can use suv's and manuever around the course. hitting cones increase your time by 1 second and hitting walls will increase by +5. Probably wont happen, but it would be awesome
  3. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e8v5dg-qO3HWOuk6_-yslkGTygpISrq9ibDfiIRI9Dc/edit#gid=97098089 go to the other tab, and youll see chop shop prices for all vehicles. Its worth to chop rather than craft, plus if you hold Zaros, you get more.
  4. Dork

    Black Wing

    i had fun last night at pygros rebel with all the cops man
  5. Dork

    Black Wing

    hahahahahaaha btw blubbberz. Im [-i-] Steven
  6. Crazy idea and a good one. IMO i wouldn't run scotch ingredients and make less money for selling them to a gang company though lel
  7. Dork

    APD fighting

    No salt on rebel side but maybe cop TS Had a nice chat with Hell fighter after we were lethal'd and pardoned and he didn't understand why it took so long either.
  8. Dork

    APD fighting

    we literally fought 16 cops with 3 guys for about an hour and a half though. What inspired me was the motivation that all the ranks had. I could understand the motivation coming from the cadets, but the all the ranks were trying so hard which is exactly what the APD needs. It shows that no matter the bounty (it all started off with just the cop seeing our illegal weapons) the cops will fight to protect. Little to say the 3 v 16 was kind of one sided, since we were on the run the whole time in the hunter, stopping here and their to kill some and holding rebel off for about 15 minutes.
  9. Dork


    He states it comes with over 200k in scotch, so roughly 375k asking price but yea, DP3 is way too far for this asking price IMO. Maybe if it was DP5
  10. Dork

    APD fighting

    Shoutout to the S1 Cops last night. That fight from Sophia to pygros rebel and back to DP14 was a blast. Im pretty amazed that the APD did not back down and finally got their hunter back. Shows how much dedication they have to the higher ups and their orders. We need more cops like the ones that were on last night. Any other officers would have given up after dying 4-5 times and losing loadouts and helis, cars, etc.. But, not you guys! Ill be uploading the video after it renders so that everyone can enjoy!
  11. +1 Their needs to be a minimal other than any wanted level. Take the script from cop and edit it so that you can play medic. sometimes i get on to play medic and have a good time watching all the kavalians slay each other and i have to wait an extra 20 minutes to clear my bounty because i try to log into medic and then cant log into civ.
  12. +1 i guess, But why would you willingly use an Mk20c?
  13. damn. took you long enough to reply to that one....
  14. 1. you impersonated a cop while on CIV being a whitelisted payer. 2. the video was literally like 10 minutes before you ever shot me or at any other officer. 3. hit the wrong button on your car when i went to check registration Upload the whole video to show everyone how pointless your argument is here. No salt here. Desync was fucking everybody during this recording (My screen you were aiming but not shooting) , just pointing out things that people do wrong on this server 24/7
  15. Dork

    Rap battles

    Lets do another rap battle in TS admins. Eptic feels like hes got bars to spit. thinks Vanilla Ice or something.
  16. You dont have bars, nor bass in your voice, go back to your closet, then we can all rejoice.
  17. Who knows, do you, i was in your girl last night, she lit up like a lite brite.
  18. does the sentence end with Gold digger?
  19. i am the cop you killed lol. I was just promoted back to constable and takes a little while for it to transfer over on the forums... Needless to say, their was no initiation. Blacklisted was initiated with the cops, you just decided to walk over with an mk14 and join the fun. No officer informed anyone that you were engaged and everyone you killed stated it was RDM. The second time around when you were by Boa spawn, you initiated through a text message like a true kavalian
  20. oh, lol thats the video of you RDM'ing me. Would you mind adding the 5:00 minutes prior so that i dont have to upload my own. Thanks Bae.
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