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Everything posted by Galaxy

  1. If you are trying to sell Real Estate post under Real Estate not under Business - Thank you
  2. What is it with you and all caps? What server?
  3. By any chance do you remember to whom you sold the house too?
  4. Today I would like to purchase or at least find out who owns these two houses in Kav on server 1. I am willing to pay a big sum of money for these two houses. Thank you! -Galaxy https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1629274259 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1629274155
  5. Maybe they could set an amount per litre: ex: $10, thus making fuel more expensive for each vehicle since some vehicles can hold more fuel than others
  6. Want to hear something funny... I don't even want the house yet I made you pay an extra 350k lol
  7. Okay I think I’ll take the L at this point
  8. Let's hope it works and the server stops crashing halfway in my meth run.
  9. Galaxy

    WTS cop gear s1

    How much for the cops vests?
  10. How much would it cost for all 5 vests?
  11. Maybe as a donation perk you could get extensions on how long until your house gets despawned/ sold from your inventory. It's happened before at least in my past where id play a lot of cop. Then join civ only to realize my houses are gone.
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