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Everything posted by SledGangXd

  1. Would be a nice thing to implement but the servers are not up long enough to go from house 1 to house 2 so you will just end up losing the crates during transportation
  2. Lets let them focus on keeping servers up for a full restart before adding more stuff in
  3. They dont use them for traCKING SHIT they use them so when you are halfway to og arms in a ifirit you lag out
  4. no one will buy those must be dumb who goes to sofia
  5. Server: s1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): 323 Meters from bank (Has an atm connected to it) Asking Price: OFFER Description: You can see outside ladder on bank from the second floor of the building you can see all behind the 3 crate house from first or second floor You can step out front door on the first few pushes and spray cops Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1428831341
  6. They all experience bohemia bugs from time to time but id say server 2 is the most stable
  7. idk how much do you think its worth lmao
  8. How much time did you spend on that text Fruity ass head ass
  9. You leave your fucking pc on to go to work at fucking mcdonalds fuck outa here boy
  10. Dont wanna fill up your home pussy bitch
  11. When you got 7k hours on arma and 6k are afk hours and 500 out of the 1000 you played are on the respawn screen fuck outa here boy
  12. Ripping Heads Since 2014 REMOVE THAT BULL SHIT
  13. Dont join a gang that has 80% of the cartel fighters in it retard I log in and got fights all day long you just need a gang to get carried by
  14. YOu joined a gang that mass invited the whole server shut the fuck up pussy ass random 1v1 for 500k on sfu training
  15. I can out fly you I can outshoot you so lets go back to who the fuck are you uploading clips of you killing people that just got out of kavala
  16. I know how to do most of it but id rather pay some 500 pound fuck that doesnt leave his computer and has fucking chicken grease inbetween his keys.
  17. I didnt ask for you to be a smart ass I simply asked if someone would do it I dont want to do it hense why im gunna pay someone to do it for me
  18. Who Can set up my ts and perms for me Might be able to pay Asylum Cash or irl $
  19. Have you noticed you are irrelevant
  20. Big thanks to all the admins for accepting my comp requests within a timely manner http://prntscr.com/jttq4v
  21. He must haVE KNOWN ASYLUM was done for and is just slowly collecting money and waiting for it to die die die die die die
  22. Another TIP: If you are gonna make a montage of killing cops put clips in that are good not you shooting cops in the back or fucking blasting the retarded cops thru the window of your house
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