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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Beef...

  1. In-game name: Beef Time spent on Asylum: 3.3k https://gyazo.com/3ee3f35b7522e02c57c1ccb170b3dd9c Previous admin action: I was banned by BABS once. Why do you want to join us: You guys seem like suitable friends. About you: I've previously been a part of Paragon & some other small gangs that weren't really gangs. I'm 20 years old.
  2. Is this how I can get my Sergeant back? @Tyler @DarkKnight
  3. Beef...

    APD Rant

    I don't completely understand your sarcastic response to this post. How is it showing that he isn't mature by making a suggestion & hoping that if he made a post he could possibly get into the APD? Edit: Everyone should be a little more respectful & show the kid some gratitude for not lying on his police app like 60% of the already APD officers did. I would rather have a kid thats respectful & doesn't lie than some douche that thinks hes above everyone. (75% of the APD)
  4. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent.
  5. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent.
  6. You tagged the wrong Beef fam, goodbye dood.
  7. +1, but in my opinion a better suggestion would be to add a tab that includes 3 boxes that the gang leader is able to checkoff for each member. (First box: able to Invite players, second box: able to take money out of the gang bank, third box: able to declare/end gang wars) Ah shit already suggested by Eixuna, good suggestion.
  8. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent!
  9. Yeah, it was just a joke Eric. I actually only get like 40 in cities & like 60 in the middle of nowhere.
  10. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent!
  11. Is this another April fools joke?
  12. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent!
  13. Denied, stick around for a bit & get those Asylum hours up, then reapply!
  14. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent!
  15. I never said I wouldn't be mad, I said he can do what he feels like if hes following the rules. I understand it's looked down upon for a person to make their gang name the same as another one, but if Skittles doesn't like that he has the same name she can have a private conversation with him about it. Now this is a recruitment post, we should probably keep it that way before we get yelled at by the Admins.
  16. Says who? The gang police? The guy can have whatever gang name he chooses to have.
  17. A little late, but o7 I'll always remember the good times in Paragon.
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