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Everything posted by Monkeysz

  1. The thing is cops play the game like Bikstoks Holdout Scenario where you wipe the 1st wave of cops then the 2nd wave comes in you fight and kill them and then the 1st wave you killed comes back and its an ever lasting loop until the point where they give up, eventually take you down or to the point where you run out of ammo, You can argue oh you get 7.62s when you think about it cops get a free loadout and couldn`t care less to losing it so they will keep coming back and even when they come back they have lethals loaded and don`t say we spawned with them you can reload your gun while your running to get your car and don`t say I was out numbered all you have to do is ask for back up and you will most likely get back up.
  2. We was just having a bit of fun he bought it for 425k
  3. This is why I should have booked today off work... Either way such a nice vest 10/10
  4. Ill vest it every time I see crates in it so you might as well sell it...
  5. "FSA Why are you camping North Rebel" - Everyone who has played server 2
  6. Monkeysz

    memory leaks

    Mem leaks are always fun and come at the best times
  7. In the words of @Paratus "Soon"
  8. @Rodrigo Can you close this thread Please
  9. In game name: Monkeysz Age:18 Location/Timezone: UK Arma 3 hours(screenshot):https://gyazo.com/89390ff9019cce43e411e6871e61e6e1 Asylum hours:1700-1800 Previous gangs: Vyper, The Rodents Do you have sufficient cartel experience?: Yes. Why do you want to join us?: To play with a bunch of guys have some fun Roleplaying and have some good fights. What can you bring to the FSA?: A good Shot and Pilot knowledge of cartels, Turfs, banks and Prisons. Do you know any current members who can vouch for you:? Orchid, Duck and Andrew
  10. Yo Dude I may not be in The Rodents but lets get a few things straight and why you telling me to get off a thread I created and kinda still run for them? 1. I left on good terms I told 2/3 Current leaders and a number of members the decision wasnt made in a day actually over 2 weeks 2. When have you ever rekt me. 3.I dont Create beef unless its a sandwich. 4.I have little problems with anyone I only dislike a few people. 5. How often do I talk shit Im normally the one telling them to stop 6. Get the hell off my thread and stop filling it with some stupid shit.
  11. House 1 Server: 2 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 120k Location (Town/DP#): Rodo Asking Price: Offers Pictures/Video Walk-through: House 2 Server: 2 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): Rodo Asking Price: Offer Pictures/Video Walk-through: House 3 Server: 2 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k Location (Town/DP#): Rodo Asking Price: Offers Pictures/Video Walk-through: Images of house 1, 2 and 3 locations https://gyazo.com/0d605617d81127c0c862a8e295b089fd
  12. Due to recent issues with timezones etc, I will be stepping down as leader from The Rodents and Will be leaving the gang @Prime G 787 @Burke And Sparky will take over this thread. Please note the gang is still active and recruiting
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