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    Altis Prison

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    Death Screen
  • Asylum Gang
    Is Actually Bad

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  1. i do not know what you are talking about gluestick random image i had on my Pc. @Crunchedd
  2. Fuck you i have had this before you were a kavala pleb however i am now changing it.
  3. Examples in reply Template of a house listing Server: 2 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Houses House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k , 220k , 150k Location (Town/DP#): DP 11 & Next to meth lab 2km Asking Price: 200k for 2 crate , 800k 3 crate 1km from meth and spirit , 550k 3 crate dp11 Description: Pictures/Video Walk-through :https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842589660101843120/39C3AA3312793DA665D958DBBC1413A4CBAC82AA/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/842589660101842778/63E158F90E61A286A2934FAD4F1E827A60ABDC61/
  4. hell yea, i want to Tnt corgi bc hes fat. +1
  5. Looking for a dual monitor stand of some sort. Wondering if any of you nerds use one? Any recommendations?
  6. - Age? :16 - Hours on Arma 3? :2.2k - Do you have a sufficient knowledge of cartel experience? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvtQYsckLxk - Previous gangs? : All the other gangs, ive been around as much as a teenage slut on prom night. - What can you bring to тenacity? : Idk im funny somtimes and once in a while i get kills. - Why do you want to join тenacity? : Because no other gangs will accept me.
  7. Hmm. Accurate. When in doubt throw money at the issue.
  8. Yeah i feel you, my average Fps at cartels is 15min to 25max
  9. Hmm hmmm, i suppose i can see where you comming from with that idea but i believe that the reason gangs dont fight as is, is the simple reason of skill differences. No gang wants to show up to a cartel the know they will get smacked at. Reguardless of a vehicle price. Also numbers are always an issue now as most quality asylum players have other games to play to stay interested i rarely think that vehicle price is the reason for stale cartel pvp.
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