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  • Location
    Mandeville, Louisiana
  • Interests
    Cop, flying, friends

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    Surfing the forums
  • Asylum Gang
    Dispensing Justice

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  1. Don't get too hyped up about it, stay realistic. Too much hype tends to lead to a let down.
  2. Please get rid of afm requirement for Tarus
  3. In Game Name: Noble Age: 19 Arma hours: https://gyazo.com/001826358c60a2aba02efbb9f6ecdb46 Are you a member of the APD (rank): Corporal (Retired SGT) Banked Money: 300k Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: Temp ban years ago for reasons I can't remember. Any previous Gangs: Resurgence, the rest too old to mention. Mic/ts: Yes What's your interest in joining Drunk Squad? Saw your recruitment video, I'm sold.
  4. Fucking GDAX did the same thing to me
  5. I worked hard to make you a CPL, don't forget that...
  6. Sad that things are coming to an end. Seems like roleplay servers in general aren't as popular.
  7. @Painbringa112 It's about damn time. Should have been an admin when the servers were still active...
  8. It's an online rank, servers numbers on dead on P2 anyway, go to another precinct
  9. Focus on cardio while maintaining some lifting. I would say shoot for more protein to help you maintain muscle mass while you cut. Lifting should keep your metabolism up once you put off some weight. Once you cut, lower cardio and increase lifting
  10. call them the admin police
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