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Posts posted by TYL3R

  1. The prices need to be lowered and more people wont be worried to loose a load out in old money a load out now is $300,000+ I didn't play enough rebel before 6.0 to know exactly how much it was before for a load out but I know it wasn't 300k

  2. 1 hour ago, jayd991 said:

    I have a ton though... Thats all I have done for the past month with Jimmy Turnup. I can explain it in depth if you need and good advantage points and tips for the different locations.

    Jayd 300 hours is almost nothing i have 3000 and most of them spent at cartels i think your best bet would be a smaller gang to gain experience im no member of this gang just trying to help out.

    rngr, JaeJae and Feenix like this
  3. 4 hours ago, Gnashes said:

    Donations cannot be the only way to achieve access to content in-game. Period. Bohemia has made that point abundantly clear; especially given Donor Town was the cause of this morning's issues.


    A solution I'd recommend is that they can setup basically a microtransaction-esque system using something like Points earned through gameplay (100,000 Points to buy a Mohawk - which can be bought at a $1:1000 Point Ratio, or earned in-game over (x) period of time). People can earn enough points to access content, or buy points through donations to unlock that content instantly. Not sure how well BI would take that system though.


    Believe me; Paratus is... less than pleased... with how things have been handled thusfar. I ask for your patience while they sort things out.

    will people that already donated relieve these credits with the amount already donated?

  4. In game name: Tyler
    Previous gangs: Seargent EC
    Are you a member of the APD? If so what rank? Constable
    Do you have sufficient cartel experience? Ofcourse
    Why do you want to join us? Because I want to see EC have a comeback without Nickis 
    What can you bring to Evil Corp? 
    You know what I can bring 
  5. 3 minutes ago, Ranger said:

    Changing shit is how you get people to play.  People love "new". 

    New is something to come check out, if you like it, you stay and enjoy that new mechanic, if you come back and still don't like it, then no loss.  If the current players stop because of it or really hate it, then maybe you revert the change.

    revert pre 6.0


  6. 1 hour ago, Jaylen Sarrett said:

    pro tip, try making it to the water with an sdar and the gear without getting shot by guys in towers... 

    as if the prison isn't fortified enough.. Now the new tactic is go where cops can't shoot you... And yes, you can get sdars, but the problem is, they see you enter the water long before you even have a clue where they are...

    Just admit it, this is a cheap fuckboi tactic, if you can't hold the FORTIFIED prison without putting a bunch of people in the water where cops can't shoot you without going back to hq, changing all of your gear and driving back, you're a fuckboi.

    and when its 10v15 or 10v20 whats your excuse now

  7. In game name: Tyler

     Age: 19
    Location/Timezone: Toronto
    Arma 3 hours(screenshot): 

    Asylum hours: Over A Thousand
    Previous gangs: EC
    Do you have sufficient cartel experience?: Yes
    Why do you want to join us?: To start playing asylum again  
    What can you bring to the FSA?: Great shot with experience
    Do you know any current members who can vouch for you:? well I have been playing with you guys the past couple days 

    rngr, Tiger and Yenii like this
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