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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Dredge

  1. Because it isn't our place to over turn another admins ban. That was his decision to put the ban in place and he needs to express that to the player that was banned. Once an admin goes hands on with a ban its their baby. They have to keep up with it and deal with the appeals.
  2. The trouble here is how many times do you see "I'm reporting you" in chat? I see it hundreds of times a day while I am in game and even more when watching the server while out of game. People get told they are being reported all the time and of all of those hundreds I have seen maybe 2-3 actually follow through on it. we
  3. You just have to be patient with us. We have hundreds of reports daily that we have to sift through, as well as appeals and TS talks with appeals all on top of RL duties. So it takes a bit to get to everything. Also, there is the case of players not filling out their appeal correctly and not tagging the banning admin. If you do that your appeal will get buried just because of the sheer number of posts that happen daily. Just be patient. We will get to you.
  4. Should have opened this thread first....I already deleted the gang from the database. Please find me in TS later so I can re-add your members and fix your gang bank. Not sure about your gang house though, might have to talk with Gnashes or Bamf about it. But we should be able to fix it
  5. @dennozZ I think that situation goes hand in hand with @Chrispy's last post. We cant be on the server 24/7 because we do not get paid and we do not have the time. If I could get paid enough to cover all my bills and stuff sure, Id sit on the server all day waiting to handle problems. But since I cant I spend my days working and earning money to take care of my family.
  6. There are Admins around all the time. Just because they arent in game doesnt mean they arent monitoring the server/forums. We also have Support Team members in TS that can help you out and get a hold of the Admin Staff quickly if an issue pops up.
  7. We do have moderators. But after several months of being a mod they are promoted to Admin if they do the work and dont get removed. It is a very long vetting process just to get to Moderator and an even longer one once you get it. The point here is we use the rank, but it is a stepping stone to become an admin and fill any gaps in staff we may have. We dont have a dedicated group of mods.
  8. You can log back in, but at that point you should remove yourself from the fight. This helps prevent players from saying you were ghosting.
  9. Application Format In Game Name: TheDredge Age: 32 Are you a member of the APD (rank): Yes (Cpl) Have you been banned on Asylum?: Negatory Any previous Gangs: Mob, ViP, The Condemned How many hours in Arma 3 (Screenshot on steam):https://gyazo.com/5d701fc430289fc46f485b30fe735836
  10. Again, did that player actually tell the admin about the comp? Or did he just say "He RDM'ed me" in view of an admin? You dont know.
  11. Unless the player never mentioned the agreed upon comp to the admin that was there and decided to take the comp AND push for a ban. Which has happened before because people do shit like that. Just sayin.
  12. My name is Dredge and I approve this message
  13. Damn. I was just typing up your ban and I saw the small print......
  14. Dredge


    Play an hour a day for 14 days then apply HERE
  15. We were RPing with them. But when we capture you and you make it clear you dont want to rp anymore and start calling people names, its time to think outside the bun so to speak
  16. If your cuffs have lasted longer than 10 minutes I wouldn't fault you for getting into TS or unmuting. They are supposed to break and you can then take the bucket off your head. I dont think ANYONE in the APD would fault you or give you points for it. And if they did, then come talk to me.
  17. Of course! I dont want a citation from the Altis Coast Guard
  18. No. He is accusing me of using the Guardian Crate NVG's. @ImProd as I told you last night, after you got salty because you were kidnapped and started calling everyone names (Great Look for the APD btw) they can be obtained by ANY player who buys guardian keys and they do not have thermal mode. But, because I am an admin and in game I must be hacking, teleporting, spawning in things that aren't in the game etc. Ask ANY of the DS guys I was with how much shit I actually spawned. That is a big fat 0. I went to rebel with them, purchased my own shit. The ONLY thing I did that normal players cant is turning our ifrit pink because it was fun to drive around in a pink ifrit. But your mind is already made up. So there is no convincing you with facts and the like. Also, have you ever been in a boat? The throttle stays in the same spot after you set it. You dont have to keep pressing it like a cars gas pedal. So me jamming it open and bailing out of the boat is well within the realm of real world application.
  19. Dredge

    Identity RPG

    We can't help you. Wrong Game/Community bud.
  20. "Sir, I was about to write you a ticket but it would appear I'm about to have an epileptic seizure...please wait"
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