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Everything posted by Niklaus

  1. https://youtu.be/vUu-Jrh2rSs @Renegade (NotRoguePilot) asylums new mature staff
  2. Make bounty hunters whitelisted or make their licenses easier to seize, and more expensive. It's bullshit that someone with a bounty hunter license is just allowed to both kill me by locking me in a house and waste 10+ minutes of my time everytime they kidnap me. The amount of time I have spent locked in a house cause someone got salty I killed them is ridiculous. The point of bounty hunters is to hunt criminals, and if they're not using their license for what it's supposed to be used for, it shouldn't be accepted. If the server is meant for fucking roleplay it seems wierd that everytime we get in a rat war there's a million bounty hunters trying to get my bounty. It's unacceptable that bounty hunters have so much freedom and power over other players in the server. Even cops can't do half the things bounty hunters can, and bounty hunters send straight to jail without any roleplay.
  3. the problem being people on asylum have really conflicting and biased views and you could end up with someone who only bitches and gripes so their gang/faction's play style becomes more buffed.
  4. go suck off dom for an mk lmao
  5. even driving offroad basically renders spike strips useless,
  6. ifrit=armored vehicle=able to be seized hunter=armored vehicle=/=able to be seized hunters are meant for bounty hunting, if you use them as an alternative armor to ifrits then you should have seen this coming. dont wanna risk your mk200 loadouts against people with real guns?
  7. Love how every forums post devolves into some brainlet dick measuring contest
  8. half of my bans i've talked to the admins, given them my video, shown my friends initiated or some shit and they're like oh ok and unban me. The admins give a lot of bans that seem legit when they see one person's video but aren't.
  9. Me when the banning admin sees me in TeamSpeak with his name in parantheses and moves to a private channel
  10. good one farmer steve, add that one to my book of jokes
  11. Wow dude so toxic. Who even are you?
  12. Anywhere I can get to DP14 quick. budget of around 2.5m if it comes to that.
  13. and i thought i had the gayest comments on the forums
  14. now this is a good suggestion
  15. @nirvanamonkey dont listen to this sped, sofia cartel owns like 90% of the houses in dp3
  16. this thread boils down to roaches being angry they can't bully new players, and new players being angry they can't drop a mil on an s1 house to do scotch, meth, or any other high paying job. The split pop saves new players from having to farm for hours on end just to get shit on by experienced players, and I think most of the people in this thread want S2 closed because they want to roach them on s1 instead.
  17. woah dude, that's hardcore!
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