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Everything posted by Actaea

  1. Leading Groups or Organizations both in real life and in video games is stressful and you put a lot on your shoulders but despite everything, I'd say in my experience it was always rewarding.
  2. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2016/mar/01/super-tuesday-results-live-state-by-state
  3. Bounty Hunters are forbidden from turning in bounties of their gang members or known associates. It is more commonly referred to as 'Bounty Boosting' and can cause administrative action against you... them? Okay. Yeah.
  4. Mast, Who intiated for us was talking for 14 seconds before they died. More than enough time to leave.
  5. Actaea


    Hit ya boi up Actaea#1307
  6. I hope you're safe and sound and you have decent insurance.
  7. I will say if you want your voices to be heard please add a suggestion to your issue, saying something completely opinion based like "Fix shit Cartels" means absolutely nothing.
  8. Let's just all hope that the new modded server adds much more to what this gameset has to offer. I am hoping it will be slightly more like lakeside. Hopefully.
  9. It is sad, yes we all know the only logical reason you are getting it is to make meth however, I do agree we as officers should be taking roleplay seriously. I'm sorry this happened to you. The server only has so many lines of play and it's up the community and the player to discover and expand on other avenues of having fun. Creating alternate names/egos to develop that RP is something I really look highly upon. It's not always about the bust It's not always about the bounty It's not always about stacking charges.
  10. Nirvana and grunge as a whole are fucking awful. Sorry.
  11. Server 4 because we are currently accepting Chinese refugees.
  12. @Reavantos is the most level headed person I have interacted with on Asylum in the 10 months I've been here. That's saying a lot. I push forward the motion to nominate him.
  13. If you want change or you want the rights to be wronged, record and report. I swear we have a thread about this sort of stuff every 3rd day. You don't think person A deserves the 'power' they have been given based on an incident where you were wronged? Tell someone who can fix it. The peanut gallery cant.
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