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Everything posted by Defragments

  1. Denied. Thank you for applying but we are currently tightening up our recruitment process. Good luck finding a gang. Denied. Thank you for applying but we are currently tightening up our recruitment process. Good luck finding a gang.
  2. Why do you have to make it about race?
  3. Defragments


    I suggested something similar years ago. Placing a drill on someones house door and it taking a few minutes to open the door. That's all it would do though. Unlock the doors.
  4. Sounds like an interesting idea. I'm wondering this too
  5. The waypoint sucks. The real reason is to get the increase. Weird it was never written anywhere though.
  6. It did, but the last time I arrested someone it didn't work. I haven't really been a bounty hunter recently so I only have that one case to go by.
  7. Yeah. A lot of the infamy stuff is for farming anyway. I'm not a fan of a lot of the infamy tree. Lockpicking stuff is nice
  8. It's nice to have a chance to save your friends
  9. I feel like the whole point of Sofia is to be low traffic.
  10. Add an infamy talent that increases the range you can walk from the processor when processing drugs. Maybe 10m increased range? Gives you some better places to sit when cooking stuff. I'm not sure if you have to replace it with a current talent in the tree or what. If you do though I'd suggest replacing "Pablo Escobar" with it. 5% pay increase on drug runner planes is so awful.
  11. Indeed we do! We are on limited recruitment right now though.
  12. C'moooon though, tempest covered hype
  13. After shitter captain @Jr4life24 kept everyone at the prison for 15 minutes instead of letting them get processed.
  14. I saw about 30 rpg's get let off at the rebel fight prior. You think any of us made money doing that? I'm sure eventually the stars will align and we'll get it done. We are inexperienced with this event. We did a mental? I don't remember anyone doing that unless a few of them split off to do it
  15. If no one can do it successfully, what's the point of it existing? The payout is nothing if it is never done.
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