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massive slice

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Everything posted by massive slice

  1. I don't think the map is the problem but very epic map design for cap minus blue shed
  2. Its literally nothing but a qol change and there is no issue in implementing it lmao. you said it yourself, you have no idea how it works. i do. thanks.
  3. there is no issue besides a retard named wingwong arguing against a quality of life feature. could probably give each of your brain cells their own letter.
  4. same name as selected loadout but i don't see a problem with 5 loadouts same name so sure
  5. Prefill loadout name textbox with selected loadout name and allow the same name to be saved with just different gear. Edit: adjust loadout price based on what you already got
  6. You literally screen capped yourself taking a steam screenshot which means you used external software to get this picture causing the game application to become temporarily idle, greatly increasing your fps. Not fooling anyone bud, get rid of the rain.
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