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Everything posted by Whitey

  1. join a small gang that likes to fight cartels keep going to them even when u get wiped. you will start to figure out where you like o fight and where you like to push. then workl on shooting mechanics in cqc servers or KOTH. BOOM youre in a n elite gang
  2. this is not the way to apply to a gang
  3. almost as big of a joke as this thread... let this shit die
  4. +1 more people to kill when at meth lab
  5. well what the fuck idk why its not working
  6. I prey to god the song choice is a joke
  7. Did u just compare Luke to a retarded midget?... +1 to u my good sir Everyone's playing division so I been bouncing back next forth between csgo and Startcraft 2
  8. Lol Luke i would destroy you at a cartel if you guys ever bothered to show up.
  9. Thanks for the help and suggestions gents. I got my shit optimal now
  10. Whitey

    Gang life

    True but there are other places to place an oil rig.
  11. I got a dirtbike if that counts. Yamaha TTR 125. I am getting a honda 250 but not sure what yet.
  12. He is 10x better then me and I'm 10x better then u... u do the math
  13. Practice, practice, practice. Best way to get better. I go to cartel locations and look at the map see where I want to fight at. I get on cqc to practice mechanics and 3p. Don't get on King of the hill and use anow LMG to practice.
  14. Whitey

    Gang life

    I thineed a cool fight would be on the oil rig. The oil cartel should move like the others
  15. Whitey


    Didn't realize there was a minimum age requirement. Thought a certain Captain took that very necessary and important rule out...
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