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Everything posted by lukee

  1. if you wanna fight cartels just get on civ
  2. lukee


    why are u retards still talking in here
  3. wow you're really good man
  4. sorry no one above the age of 12 is allowed
  5. lukee

    Asylum + addition

    you cant skin vests and hats without mods sorry
  6. Who’s “we” cause he’s played with half ur gang for many years
  7. lukee


    Bro stfu you probably look like you fuck ur sister, I’m begging for you to hop on while I’m on and try and do shit bruh 😂😂 all these clips are pretty old and are not even close to the best shit I hit. also aren’t you in hyper?
  8. lukee


    😂 ur last montage was 3 years ago
  9. I was actually wondering that
  10. that was before I joined that has nothing to do with me
  11. always knew u were a cheater
  12. they were literally killing us fym
  13. You probably do more drug than him with ur mentally challenged body ass go exploit gang fort and get it taken away again retard
  15. Should items such as: Axe's, Crowbars, Drills, Pliers / (Lockpicks because there is no lockpick model ingame), or maybe more be visible on your character while you have it on you? This gives opportunities for purely aesthetic and or gives a visual sign that you have an item such as those on you. (The items have 0 collision and will not cause any issues like killing people when you touch them) (Visual items on character can be disabled through phone maybe?, however this defeats the purpose of knowing if someone has one of these items in their inventory) (Please give feedback whether or not you think some items should be visible or not, or if they are too big and should appear smaller on the character) Here is what that would look like: Axe Crowbar Drill Pliers / Lockpicks (Only visible with some vests) Video of running around with all of them attached: https://streamable.com/ye8l5i Heres the scripts I wrote for this for anyone who cares: axe addAction ["Pick up axe", "axepickup.sqf"]; crowbar addAction ["Pick up crowbar", "crowbarpickup.sqf"]; drill addAction ["Pick up drill", "drillpickup.sqf"]; lockpicks addAction ["Pick up lockpicks", "plierpickup.sqf"]; axe attachTo [rifleman, [-0.15, -0.15, -0.13], "Spine3", true]; axe setVectorDirAndUp [[150, -130.68, 3.621], [-10, 1, 0]]; crowbar attachTo [rifleman, [0.12, -0.18, -0.13], "Spine3", true]; crowbar setVectorDirAndUp [[10, -28.68, 108.621], [-60, 1, -25]]; drill attachTo [rifleman, [0.12, 0.05, -0.2], "rfemur", true]; drill setVectorDirAndUp [[-5, -123.68, 38.621], [0, 0, 0]]; lockpicks attachTo [rifleman, [0.08, 0.18, 0.04], "Spine3", true]; lockpicks setVectorDirAndUp [[0, -0.68, 3.621], [-10, 1, 120]];
  16. Great Garage right next to gang fort and the rebel safe zone to help fight it or roach it to steal ifrits.
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