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Everything posted by Dom

  1. i love you


  2. ooohhh heres another one of @Clockwerk
  3. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/141493966 Watch this one Thats @Clockwerk
  4. its just the desync on server 4 all it is..
  5. https://i.gyazo.com/72d0bcb82ae1dc3f494c71d7843f1088.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/9d629b38a75faddf4ae381b158a4f8b3.mp4
  6. oh god another power hungry sergeant makes me sick. who is he anyways never seen him before
  7. What exiled server is that you play on?
  8. Why did i just barely see this now.. my fucking man mitch
  9. What the actual fuck is this cancer video?!?!? @Olivia
  10. LMAOOOO this video reminds me of nakita. that kid on server 5 would be crying all day for help like this. hahahahaha. god if i heard people like this i would just ban them. @Allstarplaya @Clockwerk
  11. Holy shit people were awful at this game back then
  12. Dom


    amazing race event? teams of 2. pretty much exactly like the show. different little challenges.
  13. NO joke i wish i had your personality (positive vibes). if @Clockwerk blew up my .50 that i just bough i would be yelling at him like theres no tomorrow calling him names... you just laugh it off. my man
  14. Dom


    That video reminds me of my APD career.
  15. wow.. didnt think you would take offence to that.. follow https://www.twitch.tv/t_m8
  16. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/82595368489216240/8725621AC2F6EA9856A1712DDB3F8970E25D8720/ @Term bailed on me.. had to solo the entire game... first duo (solo) win. https://www.twitch.tv/t_m8
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