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APD Officer
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Everything posted by DivineTimes

  1. no no im just asking for over all missions ect
  2. ill try it but even that high didnt see anything
  3. is there a debug command like setViewDistance 7000 but to incress the distance that ai and vechiles load in ive tried a few commands cant seem to get it i want something like in koth or ace mod
  4. >.> fine go hold down both those buttons tell me how you feel XD
  5. i love this guy thats amazing you payed him i love the fact he doesnt even question it...
  6. id do that but i dont have a razer key board
  7. i need a macro to hold down left and right mouse on a key bind and if possible toggle
  8. anyone use it if so can i get a download link?
  9. IF Anyone has any ideas feel free to help
  10. this is just a copy of budbringer's thing lol
  11. yeah im not getting anything i was wondering maybe if it was my mission or something so i tried just running player addAction ["A Useless Action", {}]; and that seemed to work and when i run if (local vehicle player) then { vehicle player setAmmo [currentWeapon vehicle player, 5009]; }; that still reloads the jet so im not quite sure. what im doing wrong or whats wrong https://gyazo.com/abf597731bff2b193bc5937af606c9f
  12. yeah is it due to maybe its because i tried in a jet? ive also tried a tank too https://gyazo.com/32970acac3231b3abd5e4ca9d19a3c4b
  13. @FuzzyPanda @Gnashes i ran player addAction["Reload Vehicle Ammo",{(_this select 3) setVehicleAmmo 1},vehicle player,-1,false,false,",'!(isNull objectParent player) && ((gunner vehicle player) == player)']; i ran in debug menu tried sever exe glob and local did not work am i doing something wrong? im trying to get it working for me and my friend
  14. does anyone know how i could turn this command ----if (local vehicle player) then { vehicle player setAmmo [currentWeapon vehicle player, 500]; ---- into a script that would use the scroll menu to rearm?
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