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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Good luck, me and everyone I play with will always pay more for good scotch houses, IN Athira is about as good as you can get
  2. Jake

    Change log 7.7.0

    @bamf one of my crates was fine until crates were disabled, then upon re-enabling them all but one crate came back. Is it safe to assume I lost the crate and its contents for good or are you not done working on crates yet?
  3. I'll pay more, not even going to flinch to pay 3m for a shed close to p3 Spirits.
  4. Good luck, I'm willing to pay more..... I wouldn't flinch for 3m for an abdera shed, I'd even think about going higher for the right one
  5. so far had a couple 300k and another couple 350k
  6. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Industrial Shed House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 220k (2 crate+vehicle spawn) Location (Town/DP#): South of Kavala (about 500m to the south) Asking Price: Best offer, contact me via pm. Description: You can pull out any land vehicle in this shed and it has 2 large crates with a few random weapons/supplies in them, probably 1k/2k weight used and unsure of how many guns. This shed is good for people who call Kavala their home/turtles/gearing to fight HQ etc. Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://gyazo.com/423a0141bf53b352564f3712ae05dc33
  7. +1 This could stop the remaining people who abuse lethals, for those it doesn't effect, crack down on them harder. Look at it from a realistic/RP perspective, a real prison break... the objective is to detain the escapees rather than kill them, only if yourself/fellow officers/civs are in danger do they use lethal force against the said escapees. Why not make the server match? This may break the chains a bit more for the people who play cop for money, its about enjoying the RP and the game, not making money on cop to then use on civ. Cops get a rifle by default, so don't complain about missing out on that last 30k split, make it 0. If you are a cop that buys, you are more than likely trying to enjoy the game rather than collect money. With a free rifle on spawn, that's more than rebels get, be happy about that. It isn't really about making rebels more Over Powered, its about making abusive lethals less common, yes they still happen with the nerf and probably yet if no payment were to be made, but all in all it would help the cause to make lethals be abused less.
  8. Looking to buy Server 3 Wongs Cartel Shed. Negotiation can be made over Private Message.
  9. Welcome to the Community!
  10. To apply for the APD you need to have played 14 out of the last 30 days with 1 hour played on asylum those days. Speak English and be able to use Voice Communication. Be 17+ years old. Not Blacklisted from Asylum (I don't believe this should be an issue since you're new). It helps to be a positive person though you seem positive already! Good luck and welcome to Asylum!
  11. I wasn't aware it was suggested before. All credit to the person who had the original idea. This thread can be used for pros/cons and see where it takes us
  12. An app on your phone to unlock/lock your vehicle or maybe even set off your alarm could be cool. If you leave the vehicle somewhere and can't give the keys to your friends due to being so far away you can lock/unlock your car on an app. Picking resources and venturing too far you could set off your car alarm with the app to find the lost vehicle.
  13. Looking to buy shed near scotch, abdera and dp5 areas only
  14. @Ajiana_Panda @Kevin Miller
  15. Just saw this. Thanks man! A bit late to the party I know haha
  16. Wanting to buy Abdera or DP5 Scotch Houses and willing to pay big money for them!
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