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Everything posted by WilliamS

  1. Your reaction is great "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD" Some girl " Holy shit okay" you "Sorry dude I got another red"
  2. I love how you checked the price when it was at it's peak but not the most recent date Nice AK though.
  3. Welcome back. FYI : take your night vision off during the day because they will increase your hit box and just get you head shot a lot easier.
  4. I like Tanoa combat, it makes me feel super paranoid every time I fight because of the jungle and I love it!
  5. I was confused when you said "I'm stuck in a tree" but now I get it.
  6. The amount of times ive called cops back after mass kicks and gotten the response "to bad sucks for you haha" is insane and ive also gotten the response "I don't think im allowed to do that"
  7. currently with the servers acting up as they are with mass kicks every so often I have found myself in the situation where I am restrained by a cop talking about my charges in HQ, then boom mass kick 20 people get kicked off the server I get back in and have to spend 45 minutes in jail. Possibly add a system to where if a certain amount of people get a kick for the same reason (Battle eye client not responding) anyone in police restraints will not be sent to jail after logging back in. It's quite tedious to sit in jail for 45 min because of server issues.
  8. Wait didn't you get perm banned for Vdm?
  9. I'll offer 450k hmu if you don't get a better offer.
  10. I very much enjoyed this video. Thank you.
  11. I loved Aussie life but I got about 15 fps average on it so r-i-p
  12. In soviet Russia car drive you!
  13. I like to revive old dead things you can call me Magic.
  14. Remember when Tania first came out and the fog was so bad you couldn't see 2 feet infront of you?
  15. I wish Server 2 had this I love being in Kavala when I actually get to have some fun instead of just *bang bang "hands up or die" bang bang*
  16. Can I be cool like you to Lorax?
  17. This thread has gone completely off topic so I might as well throw something in. I hate myself......
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