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APD Officer
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Everything posted by snoop

  1. snoop

    Changelog May

    shut up leave our building ALONE THATS AHOA OFFICES
  2. snoop

    Changelog May

    nothing for infamy other than cigars +1 for everything else really like the stash house too bad it will be gone soon because cops will bitch and moan\
  3. snoop

    Bounty Hunter

    @Fitzthink you can throw this in the denied section for us
  4. the first time i fought for it we won got everything i needed outta of it we let you shitters have so something can feed your guys egos your welcome lil pup
  5. i fs wanna sell all my drugs to a rival gangs drug dealer while they can spawn and buy a gun next to me really good idea +1
  6. touch more grass in a day then you have in the last month
  7. when i played cop a lot mental was for me one of the easier feds to push with a good group of cops on you could easily stop a group from doing it but having a good group of cops is not possible these days because anyone and everyone is getting cop and being promoted just the other day seen a cpl push a guy while he wasnt in combat stance not a good look but i think all the fed payouts should be increased. jewelry is by far the worst fed shit payout can be shot pretty much 360 if yu peak cops just have to spike tf outta the front and your pretty much fucked. def needs more cover all around cops for sure need a safer spot to spawn the 2 lives they get to spawn may as well be a rebel feeder they have no time to react most of the time one person can stop the whole push the reason its so civ sided at first is because they cant spawn in and fight like a group Doesn't have to be a bunker just some sort of cover Not about us wanting it to be easy its more about everything we want costs so fucking much so maybe a give a little bit more so if we lose the thing we craft it wont hurt as much. trying to have fun not break my keyboard because some sweaty cop lethals me and then runs up and disarms me cuz he knows i have a big boy gun.
  8. idk how much risk there is now even with the 1 puri. Not a lot going around Sofia another puri would add a lot more traffic and fighting up there. this was for sure one of the ideas I would've liked to see implemented to see how it went maybe a poll to see how the rest of the player base feels about this one? i think a moving puri would way worst then a moving African war lord the war lord one made sense he would always being trying to avoid law enforcement and with everyone doing cigars there would be more fighing around the map with war lord moving because everyone camps it thank you for responding to everything one by one a lot of No's but that was expected with these just being suggestions. anything you said yes to i think should be added. maybe leave it open for a lil while longer to see what other people have to say about your decisions and maybe someone will be able to change your mind on a few of your No's maybe a poll to see if ppl would like this to be a moving warlord
  9. i dont think ridealongs should take prio over fed events with the 5 or less thing it would depend on where the civs are at please point out the so call retarded ones and say what you think would better.
  10. Below you will find many suggestions that myself and other members of asylums player base have thought of that would make the server better ranging from pvp,making money,new buffs,events,taking stuff out,adding new things in etc. at first it will look like a lot to read but once you start reading you may see a lot of valid points and ideas again this is a suggestion form so some of these may be added and some may not be added and even some of things may already be in the works most of these ideas are open to changes if you think you know something better explain it down below. For the trolls who say its too much to read don't read it your opinion doesn't matter for the ones who do read post your feedback down below. Asylum suggestions by AHOANationRedemption/SwiftFamily Authors SNOOP/ZEUS/JEFF INFAMY REWORK -As it stands the amount of infamy you gain from doing Events Cartels making drugs etc. just isn't enough me and my group have a very large number of hours put into this server and have all partaken in the ways you can gain infamy and yet 95% of us don't have a full tree done yet some of the changes that should be done are below. 50% increase on infamy gain Infamy gain from cop kills since many of the fights on the server involve cops 5 to 10 infamy per cop kill Selling drugs should also give you infamy maybe 3 infamy for every 5 drugs. Cigars should also give you infamy from gathering tobacco making cigars and selling them. Chopping or claiming vehicles should also give 50. Infamy per -Infamy gain for doing Nikolai’s and National HQ/Ivans and Hugos Gas Mart -Using any type of explosive should give you min 75 to 100 infamy excluding RPGS/GRENADES -Restart Quests should also give you a chance to gain infamy instead of all money kill 10 cops gain a set amount of infamy -Life time Quest that gives you 2000k infamy once you have completed FBI’S MOST WANTED MUST BREAKOUT OF PRISON 5 TIMES WITH THE SAME BOUNTY OVER 500K 1 PER Restart ALSO GAINS BREAKOUT ARTIST TITLE -Life time Quest that gives you 20000k infamy once you have completed King of the south MUST GAIN 2500 WAR KILLS ALSO GAINS KING OF THE SOUTH TITLE -Civs should be gaining infamy for these things because the longer we play the more of advantage we should gain for our commitment to playing theses are just some of the very many ways to make Civ life better and more fun for the Veteran player base or even for newer people that have just join Asylum. Nikolai’s suggestions -As Nikolai’s is a new event there's many things that can be done to make it better the current payout should stay the same because at first it is hard for cops to push but once the boat spawns it becomes easier for cops to disable and capture the boat before Civs can make it back to save the boat some of the changes are down below. -Cops need a safer spot to spawn or remove the silos that that are above the cops spawn| -Put a barrier to hide the person breaching the vault from being shot on dome being shot from dome is the same as the cops being shot as they spawn. -Change the boat that spawns to a minigun boat we can all buy minigun boats so it wouldn't matter if the boat that spawns is a minigun boat/ jewelry gives a minigun so should Nikolai’s -Increase of Elite Weapon Semiconductors to 5 to 8 because it costs a lot to even craft the weapons that take the semiconductors and the same weapons we want to craft can be lost in a heartbeat. Turf suggestions -Restore the turfs to the former timer. Being able to cap a turf right after it is capped makes sense for cartels, not for turfs min 15 to 30 min timer for turfs. -Rotating turfs effects every restart stops people from being able to camp turfs and cap as soon as it pops. -Give war rating for kills inside of turfs these are pretty much war-torn towns we should be getting war rating for our kills African warlord suggestions -make a 30 meter red circle around the sell station -rotating African warlord the warlord is constantly on the move to avoid APD capture he moves between his current location to different cities and locations on the map some of those being Dorida,Poliakko, and between Tonos bay and Ammolofi bay reference to screenshots for warlord locations. | Purification factory suggestions -Add another factory North east of the map at DP 17 -add a new item black tar heroin sells for 1100$ bring to purification to make adds incentive to farm and make heroin -With the second puri location it gives meth runners more incentive for such little return Rebel Aircraft carrier suggestion -remove the spawn location next to Sofia there's no way to get there no boat spawns or helis spawns to get there. -Make a Perm boat location in the middle of Pyrgos bay -Add a second rotating boat National HQ Suggestions -Since NHQ is an endgame event it should be harder to combat vesting mobile HQ. -Add a temp HQ 1km from NHQ that cannot be destroyed location marked on map reference screenshot for location LSD Suggestions -Remove LSD all together it takes to long it pays out fuck all remove it use the location it is at for something else. -Or revamp it to make it worth it Spirit distillery suggestions There are currently 3 cuts from wongs when making scotch. 1 When you make new make scotch. 1 When you make 15 year scotch and 1 more when you take it to puri to make 25 year scotch. The fact that wongs takes 3 cuts when making scotch turns away players because so much of what they make is going to a cartel. It also pays less than most drugs in terms of time and effort. Please remove any 2 of the cuts. Removal of certain NPCS and Locations -remove jewelry store NPC at african warlord no one uses it -remove oil barrel processing next to nikolai’s -remove the old admin event area north west of DP 4 causes lag when you go north west of the map. It is not used at all; the buildings are all bugged anyway; removing these buildings will increase server performance by removing the polygon count across the server. -remove firearms factory next to sofia replace with textile factory -remove the mineral processor next to federal reserve replace with the firearms factory Cop lethals rework -In the guide book it states your voice is your primary weapon, that is bullshit cops lethal first and ask questions later. In some cases lethals are warranted and needed. -lethals should not be called for groups with 5 or less people in the group unless they are in positions not reachable like for unreachable,backrock lighthouse,shitrock,first ATM at bank.-retired cops should not be able to call for lethals they gave up there rank in the APD therefore they should not be able to make decisions that highly impact civs and their gameplay. -when lethals are called the higher up must state how many people are allowed to be lethaled before you must return to downing again. Failure to do so should result in action taken against the higher up. -Cops are not rebels, it's time they start acting like it. Fed Event buffs -buff the payout of federal reserve to 2 mil fed reserve is one of the hardest events to do having a Hq so close to it so the payout should be increased. Fed Reserve Doesn't spawn an admin spawned vehicle like Mental Asylum. The fact that we have to provide the means to transport the bars. Individually Crack every dome and Rooms inside the domes and Make it all the way to rebel before any form of Payment is mad Makes most people feel as if federal reserve is not worth the time or effort to do. Between the people roaching from Telos. The 3 gates and 4 different van spots. Not having 10+ people and another 3 people doing the domes makes this fed event take the longest and hardest event besides evidence lockup. -increase the payout of Mental Asylum to 1.5mil the fight is hard enough having to load each bar yourself you then have to fight the cops to get out of the front gate once you've done that you must make it to a rebel across the map while fighting cops. -Increase the payout of jewelry to 1mil its hard enough as it is having the payout increased will make it bearable it is also very CQB maybe come out with a new design that is bigger. -Add better cover you can pretty much be roached from every direction around the fed roof has zero cover it is completely useless over all i think this fed needs a new design and a increased payout. -APD INTELLIGENCE Make APD intelligence have a use more than just selling at Ivans. Make it so if you have a massive bounty you can do A prison event and bring a Piece of APD intelligence with you. With that intel you can look at the computer and wipe your bounty. It would consume the intelligence and take approximately 60 seconds. Once starting to remove a bounty you cannot leave the computer or move. If you do it and fail you would lose your intelligence. New Fed event suggestions Event name -APD IMPOUND LOT- -To start this event you would need 1 APD INTELLIGENCE to hack the front gate once you hack the gate you must break into the main building and upload a virus to the APD impound mainframe once completed go to the impound lot put a thermite charge on the front gate after that the vehicles and money would spawn 10 mins each step This idea would include seized and impounded vehicles -Vehicles included are Quilling Minigun,50 Cal Offroad,Ifrit, Strider -5 cops. 3 Vehicles 300k -7 Cops 5 vehicles 450k -10+ cops 7 Vehicles. 600k -Once the vehicles spawn they have to be lock picked. Inside the vehicles there would be a respective amount of BANDED Notes inside the vehicles that would have to be broken down and taken to an atm. The vehicles themselves could be Claimed at Little to no cost Or be Chopped for their respective amount at chop Shop. -This would incentivize officers to Chase down the vehicles and not just immediately Lethal/Ram the vehicles. -This event would be located at the DP 4 putting this event at DP 4 means dump Hq would get used. EVENT NAME ALTIS ATC 092192 Hill west of DP 5 Add a computer and have it connected with the APD air shipping route. What this fed would entail… Have the rebels breach a compound and hack a computer that is in direct connection with a plane carrying APD Seized weapons and APD gear. This would include Uniforms. Certain skinned weapons are only given to cops. Attachments such as suppressors. Possibly flashbangs and other goods. Make it so when the rebels hack the computer they can tell the plane where to land. Either on a airstrip or have it crash land and drop crates. "Developers Choice” APD have 15 mins to stop the hack before rebels gain access to the computer and once the plane lands/crashes 10 min timer on the crates Since these are APD crates, an all clear is not needed for seizure instead must have 3 cops on location. New crafting items and locations Textile factory would be at the current firearms location next to Sofia -Being able to craft CSATS/GRANITS/HELMETS -This makes a market for CSATS/GRANITS/HELMETS on the Asylum Exchange. -make it so you can craft SUI vests and RPGS without arms cartel there's no timer for the cartel so being able to go craft before someone takes the cartel back is not feasible Uranium Suggestions/Revamp -Enriched uranium. New process for uranium. Kinda like a final step. The enriched uranium could sell for $1500 and be used as a crafting ingredient with Sui vests to make the crafting of the more lucrative. In order to make enriched uranium you would need to take weapons grade uranium to a centrifugal forge in the southeast part of the map and process it. Once processed it CANNOT be stored in a house. -Processing spot would be at the 100% drop off spot for Altis shipping in the southeast part of the map. Once the Enriched uranium is created you can either sell it immediately or go craft with it. Explosive suggestions -Increase the DMG of projectiles RPG 7/RPG 42 these are meant to be 1 hits and most of the time they are love taps. (READ THE SUGGESTION ABOUT NHQ TO UNDERSTAND SCREENSHOT BELOW) https://gyazo.com/2fef26c62ec4adf3d2892fa28baf14c1 (READ THE SUGGESTION ABOUT AFRICAN WARLORD TO UNDERSTAND SCREENSHOT BELOW) https://gyazo.com/feeb84dae1b5bd560bc3895c416b71d2
  12. this event also can bring new titles quests ect it also brings a new charge to the APD
  13. 8 members of the gang/group allowed to fight and max 10 cops allowed to fight please don't comment if you don't read it Chris doesn't have that much of point he didn't fully read it 8 members of the gang/group can fight max 10 cops and on the spawn screen there would be a warning for civs before they spawn also you don't have to fight if your scared of the 8 man Athira rats you can keep fighting shitside and zenith at cartels. but it could be limited to once per restart so that new ppl spawning wont have to deal with stuff like that but 2 per restart gives everyone who wants to fight a chance to take the city's
  14. Allow gangs to fight to take control of any of the major city's giving them a cut of what ever is sold within city limit or on anyone pulling a car out at the DMV along with a small percentage of house taxes going to the gang that controls the city. 2 Caps per restart 8 members of the gang/group are allowed to fight the cap would be court house in all of the respective city's 5% tax on houses 5% tax on DMV and truck stop purchases along with a tax if you pull the vic out 5% tax on anything sold at illegal areas 3% Pay boosts for the holder of the city House spawns will not be available within city limits during the fight basic spawns will still be available. On the spawn screen next the city name it should say/ Athira(WARNING CITY UNDER SIEGE). Min 5 rebels must be in city to start the cap process if no one starts the cap process then the gang that holds the city keeps it until one is started. Cops can also fight to cap the city -5 normal cops allowed in the city along with 5 Swat members in the city 5 swat members max for every swat member not in attendance a normal cop can take the persons place until a swat member become available . -2% reduction on kit cost bought within city limits -4% reduction on Vic costs bought within city's limits -3% reduction on Heli costs bought within city limits (armored and unarmored) -4% pay boost for tickets paid or prisoners sent to jail within city limits -Min 5 cops must be in attendance to fight for the city if the max 10 officers are fighting everyone else must stay at a range of 2500km away unless they are going around to patrol red zones not in city limits. -Any cops killed by rebels/civ during the fight while within city limits will be charged with Captial murder that charge will carry a bounty of 15k -With the Captial murder charge carrying such a high bounty it gives cops more incentive to fight for the city along with if they down instead of lethal they get a payout at the end if the person they down is caught. this is a rough idea, but it allows gangs that do not like to fight cartels all the time to fight for a city they care about percentages are all very low so admins/developers can gage what they should be and what is fair. PS(ADD MXM MAGS AT REBEL FOR REBELS)
  15. snoop

    Athira Redesign

    also maybe replace some of the broken-down buildings in Athira with small construction buildings that will be replaced with buyable homes in the future the small construction buildings will make it look like progress.
  16. snoop

    Athira Redesign

    ALL ATHIRA REVAMPS MUST BE APPROVED BY AHOA REPS PS alot of the bushes and walls yu added will get knocked down we knock down everything at the start of the restart also that gas station would need to be invincible because retards are gonna shoot it down everytime
  17. the APD treats civs like a punching bag lmfao
  18. I Hope leadership revitalizing also includes Cop faction.
  19. https://gyazo.com/f4b1f04ba73ad2a76ecc1b62300a8e1e
  20. So the idea around the meat processing plant would be to increase the value of hunting in the hunting grounds any animal meat taken to the plant and processed into something greater can then be sold at a gas station around the map or maybe make a grocery store in one of the towns (Athira) and the meat could be sold at that location only. i don't know off the top of my head what animals can be found at the hunting grounds along with how much they usually sell for so i don't know what i would sell the processed meat for Now where it takes a turn with the adding of Ivans and Hugos gas mart you would be able to take kidnapped people to the plant and process them into something greater and the meat you would receive could be sold at Ivans or Hugos now say you have a regular civ then Ivan would be the only person you could sell the civ meat too but if you have a Cop then you would have to go to Hugos gas mart where it would determine on what rank cop you processed so say Capt and LT then it would premium meat that could be sold for 50k Sgts 25k constable 15k cadet 5k and at the plant it drops the cadets vest. A charge could be added so if someone is caught in possession of processed human meat they could then be given a capital murder charge and being sent str8 to prison for that charge would be a 15 min stay in prison. Or instead of being able to process any humans you could just simply sell the person at the plant for a set price. (Prices ranging from) -CAPT/LT 40K Each -SGTS 25k Each -Constable 15k -Cadet 5k and vest being dropped at the plant -Civ 10k and gun being dropped at the plant now to balance from people mass kidnapping have it maxed (per person) so maybe only 3 to 5 Civs can be sold per restart 4 to 5 cops per restart. instead by choosing the first option it would take longer to receive your payout along with adding more you can do regarding Ivans and Hugos gas mart and the regular gas stations around the map or even adding a grocery store to some or maybe one location also with going with the first option you could have a new charge added to the APD side. The gyazo below is the area i would choose to put the Plant not right on my mark but somewhere around dump HQ giving cops more reason to use the HQ along with more reason to help kidnapped cops/civ https://gyazo.com/0183dde80f86ca68487a97d8cd86eea3 this a first draft idea some things can be change ofc but i believe it could help with roleplay giving cops more incentive to want to negotiate with civs otherwise the person gets grinded into hamburger meat.
  21. what tier do we add junke too for just being a shitter?
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