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Purple Pickle

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Everything posted by Purple Pickle

  1. Paros or HW would help cut travel times in the middle of the map. Right now our only options are Pyrgos or Air and that distance between Air and Sofia takes a while to do. When we're moving to an unconscious person, seconds can make a difference.
  2. Nah custom plates asylum plus only? That's dumb as f***. How about holding a vote on that kind of stuff?
  3. I've been trying to find the owner of either of the sheds north or south of Sofia for months, gl lol
  4. So adding a skip tracer to the Athira area? I wouldn't want the skip in Sofia to be removed as its convenient to have that there
  5. Sofia has a decent amount of foot traffic, and I believe a new red zone should be set nearby. Maybe in Molos? I am not the only one who has expressed interest in getting a chop shop, wongs, or puri factory put in on that side of the map. Currently the only illegal commodity nearby is Heroin, and that isn't as lucrative or time effective as other options we would have if a wongs or puri factory was in the area. It would also bring foot traffic into the area as other players would go there to avoid Athira RDM sprees and big gangs. There are several non-house buildings that could be used for an NPC, or new structures could be added to make the new redzone easier or harder to defend during conflict. Personally I would rather have a wongs over puri factory, but either would add new foot traffic and opportunities for players to make, and take money. Please consider my idea as I have talked this over with several people and had no quarrels so far. If needed, I can provide screenshots with map markings for ideal locations, as I and other players frequent this area and know the dynamic between players quite well. A poll can be placed by an admin if a player vote is necessary. Thank you.
  6. @zdeatI second this idea, it would bring something new to the table and give APD a new situation to train for.
  7. Yeah they should just delete the whole server because too many of the admins smoke poles and all the gangs just bully new people with their massive amount of money. Especially DH.
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