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Cole Little

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Everything posted by Cole Little

  1. I'm just here for the birthday wishes
  2. https://gyazo.com/58d611e5b8d3dd971e9180f2a2c85241 No comment @Bazzajack
  3. In Game Name: Cole Little Age: 18 Are you a member of the APD (rank): Constable Have you been banned on Asylum? If so how long and what for?: Once a couple years ago Any previous Gangs: Nothing big https://gyazo.com/9759daa55221c9f0d174101794deaadd
  4. In-game name: Cole Little Age: 18 Hours on Arma 3 (Screenshot required): 3200 https://gyazo.com/3d1386dec39e9b89a0033a6d14223ee6 Previous gangs: Prism and some other small gangs Why would you like to join our gang?: I've recently came back after a break and looking too go back into the gang life as I remembered it was fun if you were with people who knew what they were doing. How active will you be? I am on pretty much every day all night
  5. Currently grinding to top 10 NA Duos on PUBG https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/866233379707400190/33A1EECA144D83588477D1E9D14501355B20AD6C/ Wish me luck boys.
  6. Dwight was on Rick's side. At the end you see writing on a toy soldier saying "Didn't Know" meaning that he did not know that Negan had a deal with the garbage people to betray rick.
  7. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=892261478 I finally won boys after many hours and times camping. @George Come at me bro
  8. In game name: Cole Little Age: 17 Location/Timezone: Est Arma 3 hours(screenshot): https://gyazo.com/a7eb3019ff2fc4a01967747e9839c7fb Asylum hours: about 1000+ Previous gangs: New Era, Prism Asylum cash (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/308e1ccb1c0834fa34ecaed929d604f6 Why do you want to join us? (2 sentences minimum): Hello I would like to join FSM because I would like to play with people who are active. Honestly I don't care if people are good or bad I am just looking for a group who is active. My favorite thing to do in asylum is fight cartels and I have gained a lot of knowledge through the years of asylum. Friends and teammates is what makes the game fun and enjoyable. I would like to join FSM because I know that there will always be someone on when I am on and we will have stuff to do. I know that you guys play as a group and that is what I am looking for. Hopefully I can get the opportunity to join the gang and be able to prove to everyone that I am worthy. Thank you! Do you know any current members who can vouch for you?: No
  9. Ladies Ladies take a chill pill no need to start a comment war on here.
  10. https://gyazo.com/9930ab6b7582cd1393aef4324e07c021 lol that is the real lyrics
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0ldYGYJAos Hopefully everyone likes it for some reason couldn't get the video to show here. Enjoy!
  12. Im not gonna lie even though the falcons did lose that game was better than last year
  13. Falcons win, for everyone saying the patriots are good there not
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