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Posts posted by Nathan

  1. 1 hour ago, Ray. said:

    Money making on Tanoa especially coke but also other illegal stuff is easy to get, because there are no cops and you're making too much from that (400k per HMTT run If you're not robbed by some rebels). So you can play one day on Tanoa and then suicide vest everybody on Altis other day.

    So what about to make server 5 separate from those four Altis servers. Make it's own hive, so people making money on Altis will be spending them on Altis and people making money on Tanoa will just spend them there? Would that be fair?

    Also another point is monthly server cost / players online.

    it will be like Australia all over again...

    The Chemist and bunni like this
  2. @bamf @Padrinos Have you thought about having a facility where all the drugs and weapons seized over one restart are stored in crates, that wipes after a restart. Allowing rebel groups to attempt to break in and steal them, obviously it would need to be rather difficult, possibly requiring drilling through multiple doors over 10-20 minutes. Rebels would then have to get the contraband out. Please feel free to make suggestions

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