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Mr Smirnoff

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Everything posted by Mr Smirnoff

  1. Its only a problem on the weekends particularly Sunday because people usually go out Saturday but Sunday they are home playing games. During the week there is no problem getting in.
  2. Paratus is working on a modded server instead
  3. Money will most likely carry over is what I think. Cars and houses will not.
  4. are you testing it on australia? because its something with the roads there they dont work that great with these cars.
  5. I am in boyz and its glorious, naked chicks everywhere!
  6. night is scary man, kids were getting scared. Thats when ghosts come out and perverts.
  7. its 250ml shot and pint is 450ml so its a little less Its an 8.5oz shot
  8. I dont think you realize the size of my kind of shots
  9. That can be fixed with a few shots of Vodka my friend. At that point even a door would look like a hot girl to me.
  10. I would do a feminist. I will fuck the feminism out of her.
  11. White listed servers without constant flow of fresh players turns to shit really fast. Player base gets stale and the health of the community goes to hell. There need to be fresh new players to keep the server sane. Not to mention the possibility of donations is higher with an open server.
  12. They already exist. I present to you PREMIUM MEDICAL GEAR AND VEHICLE SHOP by Mr Smirnoff:
  13. People seem to fail to understand that the delay is built in so that it takes exactly the same amount of time as if you regeared yourself. The only change is convenience. Nothing changes in terms of rebel cop interaction in any way. No balance is being changed in any way.
  14. I want Taviana still the best DayZ map out there.
  15. Why create boring, unnecessarily repetitive tasks in a video game? This is like game design 101. What purpose does it serve to drop your gear buy new gear? over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again? How about we spawn naked? No actually how about we spawn without any Y inventory too! And how about after every death it kicks you out of the server and forces you to change your name? Lets go hard core bro. Make people reinstall the game after every death.
  16. I was playing on server 5 yesterday Ghost of Dawn was shooting me maybe 30 seconds with the Sting before I got downed lol @Atmosphere Bohemia kinda ruined it. It still works fine for pistol bangers with no armor though.
  17. Don't think paratus will code it just so you alone can use a Sting as a fasion statement Maybe if you find some more people to justify the time you know. For now you will have to buy it like the rest of us plebs.
  18. Get everyone on board. There is literally 0 downsides to this. You get your gear without clicking menus. You still pay for gear. You are still delayed at the HQ for a proper amount of time to prevent zerg rushing. Its a win-win
  19. yea we already have save load feature from before back in the day. So you probably just need to add a few likes like: fnc_loadGear; if (gun = MK1) take $XXX money If (gun = MX) take $XX money If (gun = Sting) take $X money something like that and then sleep 1 minute; fnc_equipGear; That would keep you at HQ for a little and get you the gear while you can browse porno sites or go to the toilet or get water whatever.
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