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APD Officer
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Everything posted by GH05T

  1. Didn't know what we got ourselves into.. however what I did hear and see was 1 guy with a rook. Was waiting for people to get out.. however that wasn't the case as you jump in and fly away... Well done though, my fault for not locking it in the first place lol.
  2. Amazing.. all those flashbangs.. forever hearing that sound
  3. I don't know about that. It seems to run smooth for awhile, until we get into a gun fight. It's like the server can't handle the gun fights anymore, possibly due to the new rendering system. However, it does happen a lot, maybe 90% isn't the correct amount, but it seems every time we do a bank, or prison break, or get into a fight with other gangs, there server tends to desync really bad. So yeah, 90% would be some what accurate as I'm always getting into a gun fight with someone and about 20% of the time the server is okay, other then that, there's a lot of desync. Just did two banks and each time we did it, the desync hit pretty hard. I don't see how we would be doing that and someone would know and start ddos'ing. I believe it's still the desync with the server. It's not my "3rd world country" internet. I understand and can appreciate the Dev's are doing their best to fix it, but like Valk said.
  4. Protector 9mm? Sounds nice. Good clip
  5. Apparently my last post was negative.. so let's clear things up a bit. 1. This is not putting someone in a situation which is negative. 2. This is to show how the servers are running 90% of the time, whenever I jump on. 3. It's just for shits and gigs, if anyone finds it offensive, then I'm sorry. Welcome to the internet mate My PoV Now Hubs PoV What I named it last time was probably somewhat inappropriate, but let's be real here.. it's clearly the server and nothing else.
  6. Accepted for Interview, TeamSpeak PM'd.
  7. Yeah that sounds about right.. Although I don't remember chainsaws being in the game..
  8. "How we gonna be hero's if we're dead" hahaha great video mate, had me in stitches.
  9. "We've arrived!" Enjoy! ~ Keneith's PoV ~ http://plays.tv/video/579d55774eb11dfa8f/cocaine-cowboys
  10. Yes.. Yes.. I know.. I'm getting that fixed lol
  11. Good shit Addon. Welcome back to Toxicity.. I think Asylum should rename.
  12. First clip of us ... Didn't even see that offroad until I went to run up those stairs. Was like fuck.. back in the ifrit.. lol Good shooting however.
  13. Sorry, I'm already taken by @heroinunicorn
  14. Great montage mate, got some great kills in there. Keep up the good work mate
  15. Considering he landed in the middle of the road like a dickhead, what else would you expect.. Funny as fuck
  16. He sure did come 'sideways'.. he got them moves like 'jagger'.
  17. Not at all.. I just changed it because too many people running around with the name Ghost.. besides, Sanctus means Ghost in Latin. So I'm still technically Ghost Plus I figured it was time for a name change as I felt like it was a bit old and kiddish. I mean, I did come up with the name around ARMA:OA - DayZ:Mod.. it was a great name but I felt it was time for a change.
  18. Ah fair enough and thank you I figured that was the most appropriate song to go with it
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