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Big Bird

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Everything posted by Big Bird

  1. Took me an two hours to gather 330 barley to fill crate. Towards the end of it I wanted to shoot my self because of how boring it is but I don't really care. I have a crate full of new make now and just waiting on my barrels to get done. I do agree that maybe the barley bushes should give out 1-3 barley per bush, but not every bush being barley.
  2. Same issue. Only happens every once in a while but when it does, it sucks.
  3. I believe you have to be online for it to age. So far iv only gotten newmake scotch, scotch, and 15year scotch. Not sure how high it goes.
  4. Where is the processing at?
  5. I shouldn't be pointed at a specific group of players but just the whole server is laggy as shit sometimes. Especially when its 100/100. Iv seen people in other gangs do this too. Could be lag switch or group chat but no proof so what's the point?
  6. This happened yesterday (at peak population). Not playing the game of wild accusations. I reloaded at horrible time so I was screwed either way.
  7. True. I robbed alot when I first joined the server so I can agree. Huge target for easy money.
  8. Not sure if it has been discussed before. I searched it but didn't see a topic about it. Anyways every time I wake up in the hospital (talent) I have my gun and gear but no item inventory. This happens to others too right?
  9. I understand turtles but why you want to pick on the poor wreck excavators?
  10. Would it be possible for an admin to take say $10 from my account and apply it to another player? I tried to message an admin and it gave me an error.
  11. For sure. We have had some pretty good fights so far imo.
  12. [ATTACH=CONFIG]temp_875_1452654884764_423[/ATTACH]When I was first getting used to the sports hatch.
  13. Script kiddies usually manage to pull stupid shit like that every now and then. Just log out and put in a comp request if you lost anything.
  14. I do agree to some extent. There are some cops that when I am being processed I will sit and RP but when certain cops try to process me I just go afk because I already know what they are going to say.
  15. I would say katibas 4.5k or 5k and mk1s to 6 or 6.5 and mk18s at 5k but idk. Iv never bought guns from a person.
  16. Saw people getting banned for an hour earlier to "remove illicit gains". Not sure if I'm going to get money taken out or not. I was no more than 50k below cap so I spent money. Just don't want the prestige system to be forever fucked while some pistol bangers walk around with The Eminent over there head while others grinded for it.
  17. Same thing happened to me... Worst feeling ever lol
  18. How long should it be before I can spend money. I was like 10 to 20k below money cap before this happenend and I suicided to get the cash off of me but would it be okay to spend or should I wait?
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