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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Churu

  1. Then go play the Arma 3 campaign then come back and tell me how much you still love them
  2. This is the thing we have tho today.... Its called cartels but fucking government taxing just dosent make sense
  3. I think at this point it is stupid to have taxes affect illegal ways of making money or spending. Like name a country where you pay a small tax fee when buying a ak-47 or have taxes affect you when you sell some crystal meth....
  4. Well those sides of the map are more buggy, boring and mostly just trees.... They bring comp requests like crazy
  5. Only a server 4 issue. Sometimes there can be up to 15 cops on s4 whilst s1-3 remain at a steady 0 cops
  6. the way it should work.... The way it actually works Gas Station = $ / Low Difficulty Bank = $$$$ / Low Difficulty Fed = $$ / Impossible Difficulty
  7. Good patch on the fed.... But the bank thing, i think it should be less worth like getting a max of 100k out it if nobody has robbed it but there should only be money in the bank. It doesn't make sense why a bank should hold gold bars....
  8. Churu

    New Arms

    Agreed but add some suggestions then, plus eastern arms was impossible to approach almost without an ifrit. There were some gangs able to approach with good teamwork and a good hot drop(when the orca was not shit)
  9. I dont understand tho why the code should be compromised, this is asylum, not half life 3. Even i made a small training server for my friends and i that include working blood bags, repair scripts and cartels.... Nothing too shaggy, besides if he dosent want his code too compromised he can always send the 1 file he needs help with to another dev and tell him to fix it... Another way is asking fellow devs to fix bugs on asylum and he himself can work on new features
  10. How about @Paratus just instead tries to listen to the community. We all understand this is all his and he can do with it as he pleases but you can't just go and do stuff alone. Listening to others is a big part of doing something successfully. Now i don't understand why Paratus gets help from others, im pretty sure a big part of the Admin team is willing to help code along side Paratus. Asylum could actually be better if there were more developers helping Paratus with his code, even 1 or 2 extra developers is actually enough. Then trying the ideas that the community want is not bad, example is try something that people suggest and want, if it dosent work out then simply remove it or change it slightly to make it work. I'm well aware being a sqf developer myself a lot of shit is difficult or does not work but some ideas are not out of our reach. Example for all of this is fixing the federal reserve, it cannot be too difficult! For a start make gold bars slightly worth more money, say 30-35k instead of 28k, or just simply increase the amount of gold bars, Time everything and make sure a full on fed with a driller always working should not take more than lets say 45 min.... and have maybe have 1 or 2 towers available for use during the fed. After that cops have swat ladders so they have ways of getting in the fed, they have 4 ladders for 4-5 locations. Place one on each side and cops have a way of getting in, or just yolo open the gate and rush in with vehicles.
  11. Yeah someone should have posted that.....
  12. No i was gonne fly over the castle and spot and i failed slightly instead xD
  13. Yo man, you shouldent really call someone a squeaker if you are a squeaker yourself
  14. I know there is a typo during the singing....
  15. Nice shots man. Nobody fights cartels btw because they are not worth fighting
  16. I think you forgot to answer 2 questions....
  17. Shits going down, this is gonne be interesting
  18. I've watched this so many times and i still don't understand why the driver is mad??? At most the motorcyclist should be the mad one. The driver did drive in the middle of the road whilst the motorcyclist was doing nothing wrong
  19. Churu


    -1 Really really dumb, this guy will piss you off like nobody else. Has no real experience in arma at all
  20. You can't lock controls unless there already is a co-pilot, although they should be locked at start so they must have had a co-pilot before him
  21. If you mean rulebreak then nothing. Otherwise gg @Duffy49 cyka blyat
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