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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Abzie

  1. Should have a small metal tab, gently pull away from the battery and it should pop out. When replacing it, push the opposite side first then secure with the tab.
  2. It's like a watch battery located near the southbridge. If you have the cpu slot on the right and the back panel at the top right, the battery is usually located at the bottom left. Refer to this diagram:
  3. It won't bother me, more time playing laser tag
  4. Can you clarify if you're buying or selling? I think you want to buy a DP21 Garage?
  5. Remove the CMOS battery first and leave it out for 5mins to clear your bios settings as suggested above. Does your motherboard have an onboard hdmi or vga port? Try connecting directly and see if anything appears on boot. Also spam f2 and delete on POST and see if you can get something displaying. Edit: have you replaced the old processor and tested if it's the new CPU and needs RMA?
  6. Take your jail gear off and re-equip it. Bugs out to the white scientist gear. Then rangemaster belt and go karts helmet with carryall backpack
  7. Sargents, possibly and have to purchase an entry tool:
  8. +1 It's also interesting having a conversation with someone facing you on the other side of a town and you hear them from behind.
  9. There are 3 ways to set your startup parameters: Via Steam - Right-click Arma 3 in games list -> Properties -> General tab -> Set launch options Via the launcher - Parameters -> Basic tab -> Command Line Parameters (note, these can be passed from steam, as above) Via a shortcut - Right-click icon -> Properties -> Shortcut tab -> add your options at the end of the Target box, outside of the quotes (note, options set in steam or the launcher will be ignored and you cannot use a Steam shortcut** ) ** A steam shortcut will have "steam://rungameid/107410" in the target box, rather than a traditional "C:/Program Files/Steam/xxxxxx/arma3.exe" entry.
  10. Flux is excellent under normal pc usage, but not for gaming or media editing. I got bored of constantly turning it on and off so removed it.
  11. IMO the APD should be held to the same driving standards expected from civs. They must stay on their side of the road, no offroading or speeding. Charges should be applied immediately and fine deducted from the bank automatically, but the server should also check if the vehicle is under blue lights and sirens and skip the charges being added under blue light conditions.
  12. It's yellow because Paratus reduced the blue hue in the contrast settings. Believe it or not, he is actually doing us all a favor and reducing eye strain over long play time/late night sessions.
  13. It's simply downloading a file, copy it to your arma folder, then add some text to startup options you should have customised to suit your system already. Glad to hear it helped! Koth is never nice on the frames though
  14. Also to note, you cannot use higher maxMem values unless you use a custom memory allocator - like the one I posted - as the default mallocs only allow up to 2GB of RAM usage.
  15. From the old forums: Solve all your DLL issues here: https://github.com/fred41/tbbmalloc_arma (Direct Download Link: https://github.com/fred41/tbbmalloc_arma/blob/master/binary/tbbmalloc.dll ) Copy to your DLL folder in Arma, then set your startup option in the Launcher or on your Shortcut to: -malloc=tbbmalloc -maxMem=6144 6144 being 8gb of RAM minus 2gb to keep windows happy. Adjust your ram setting if you have more or less RAM available in your system.
  16. Solve all your DLL issues here pls: https://github.com/fred41/tbbmalloc_arma Then set startup option to: -malloc=tbbmalloc -maxMem=6144 6144 being 8gb of RAM minus 2gb to keep windows happy. Adjust your ram setting if you have more or less RAM available in your system.
  17. Abzie's Highlights: 1:25 - gets RDM'd, Mission Complete. 6:00 - You didn't finish your sandwich. Welcome to Asylum
  18. The idea is you put it on a boat and get a buddie to slingload you in an orca to processor place the gains in the chopper, rinse and repeat.
  19. Nice mechanic, but literally the worst time:cash ratio in Asylum.
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